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What Is the Metaverse?

Crypto people say they’re building it. Gamers might already be living in it. The art world is cashing in on it. Web veterans are trying to save it. But what is it?

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Square Appointments Caters to Beauty Industry with New Updates

Square, providers of technology and financial tools to empower small businesses, has announced new features for Square Appointments. Square Appointments is an all-in-one point of sale for booking and payment solutions to equip small service businesses like hairdressers with everything they need for more seamless scheduling and transactions. The new [CONTINUE READING]

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In the News: First Generation Immigrants Make up 1 in 5 US Business Owners

It has been said the U.S. is the land of opportunity, and according to Score’s, The Megaphone of Main Street: Unsung Entrepreneurs, it still holds true. The report in this week’s roundup reveals 20% of All US Business Owners are First-Generation Immigrants. And when you take into account only 13% of [CONTINUE READING]