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How to Turn Your Instagram Account into an Organic Sales Funnel

Instagram is a great influencer marketing tool allowing you to increase your reach through (sponsored) updates from micro-celebrities. But can it be used to drive traffic to your site? In other words, can Instagram be turned into a brand-owned traffic and sales generation asset which will allow you to diversify [CONTINUE READING]

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Gas Prices in California Hit a Record High

Gasoline prices in California’s reached an all-time high this past week, topping out at $4.72 per gallon. And all expectations are for prices to keep rising here and nationwide. Gas Prices in California Reach Record High California already had some of the highest gas prices in the country. Now some [CONTINUE READING]

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Caress Supports Female Entrepreneurs Through Their First Year of Business with New Grant Program

The first year of business ownership is often the most challenging. Lack of funding and resources often contributes to hardships for new entrepreneurs. And underrepresented groups like women and minorities often don’t have the ability to get traditional business funding. But a new grant program from beauty brand Caress aims [CONTINUE READING]

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10 Tips for Building a Solid Small Business Team, Even in a Challenging Market

Building your small business team is always challenging – but even more so in 2022. You may not be able to control the overarching uncertainty and worker shortages. But you can make sure your hiring and onboarding practices are in order. Here are tips from members of the online small [CONTINUE READING]

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Explore Evolving Technologies to Grow Your Business at This Expo

Staying on top of new technologies is key to keeping your business growing in today’s digital ecosystem. At TECHSPO ATLANTA 2022 you will discover next-generation technology and innovation along with some of the best developers, brands, marketers, technology providers, designers, and innovators. You will not only see what is on [CONTINUE READING]