It might be said in the financial world that small cap investing is a risky proposition. That might have been the case if inexperienced investors or traders did little research in finding the right stocks to buy. Moreover, as the world is emerging from a recession, a lot of those small cap companies have gone by the wayside. Being that their company’s product or service is too competitive out in the marketplace, there is this “checks and balances” process happening to help eliminate some of those smaller outfits. Therefore, enabling complete investors to swoop in and take advantage by buying these so-called recession proof stocks. Here are some tips to utilize to find the right small cap stocks and cash in on instant profitability.
1. Research a niche market/company-As I had coined in the previous paragraph, a “complete investor” is not your traditional investor. As fun as it is to just take someone’s word for it and buy up stock, small cap investing requires thorough research. What I like telling first time small cap investors, find two or three companies with varying products and services and find out as much as you can. Immediately, you should start to do your research on the internet, there is a lot of company information you can gather and there are actually “upper management” contact information. Call up these companies, find out what they’re production looks like, find out if the managers own shares of their stock and find out if they plan on purchasing more in the future. Additionally, ask for their profitability reports (10K and 10Q), this information will give you a “temperature” as to their profitability direction. With all the right measures and research, investors can easily find out if they are a worthy buy in the future months to come.
2. Stay away from Pink Sheet Stocks-Pink sheet stocks are generally referred to what I like to call “underground shares”. Companies only selling pink sheets have yet to be endorsed by the stock exchange or Nasdaq indexes. Even in a recession, these are many times more riskier to carry because the firm hasn’t completely developed into a full scale corporation. And another downside is that if you ever need to sell your pink sheet stocks, they will be tough to get rid of due to the fact that the public are not aware of that particular company. And as a result, keep pink sheets on the back burner and don’t consider them until you complete further research.
3. Diversify your portfolio, invest in a wide range of companies, not just one-This should be an easy tip to understand. Plan on investing on three or four different niche markets and spread the money around. This way if one company’s stock drops, the others will pick up the slack. This is just common investing 101, any good portfolio will be broken down into 50% small cap stocks and the other 50% various blue chips, bonds and other stable commodities. Overall, a well rounded small cap portfolio will comprise of an average of 15 different companies. Something to think about when you’re deciding to put together your investments.
For more tips and tricks in investing in today’s economy, please feel free to get expert advice from my site at: