7 Ways to Burn 500 Calories

Just like every journey begins with a small step, so does any weight loss process begin with a small calorie burn. How can you begin to do that? How can you burn 500 calories fast? I will not give you just a single way, but 7.

7 great ways to burn off 500 calories

1. Running fast – Running for just an hour at a speed o 8 miles per hour (around 13 KPH) can burn more than 900 calories. This means that if you can run at a high speed, you can burn off 500 calories in less than an hour.

2. Rowing – A tremendous workout which I personally love. Rowing vigorously can help you lose a ton of calories in a short time.

3. Dancing – Dancing can be a lot of fun and it can also be an excellent fat burning workout. Unlike other cardio exercises, you don’t get bored when dancing and you can do it with your friends.

4. Bicycle riding – You can burn 500 calories in an hour when riding a bike, but if you want to take things slowly, it may take up to 3 hours. The great thing is that you can make a day trip of it.

5. Running up stairs – Doing this for an hour straight requires tremendous stamina, but you can also walk up stairs and you will be burning 500 calories before you know it.

6. Playing a ball game like racquetball, basketball, tennis, or any other movement rich sport is a great and fun way to burn off the calories and to improve your cardiovascular fitness as well.

7. Martial arts or kickboxing lessons can be a great way to work on body flexibility, strength, and stamina. It’s also a great fat burning workout.

I’ve shown you 7 workouts to burn 500 calories. It is now up to you to take the necessary steps to actually achieve that.

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FatLoss4Idiots Review.
To read more about how to lose belly fat and tone your abs, click here: How To Lose Belly Fat