According to the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers now suspect that Wolfgang Mozart died from kidney failure brought on by a simple strep throat. They base this belief by comparing Mozart’s death records to those of the month prior to and following his death.
According to Dr. Richard Zegers of the University of Amsterdam there was a minor epidemic going on at the time of his demise.
As an entrepreneur, Mozart supported himself by writing his music. When his creative juices were flowing, Mozart would spend countless hours perfecting each piece. Knowing periods of creativity could be elusive it made no sense to him to interrupt periods of artistic creativity with eating or sleeping.
Entrepreneurs today face the same struggle. Although they may not be creating musical masterpieces that will live for centuries into the future their work ethic is similar to that of Mozart.
Entrepreneurs need to effectively handle their workload to reduce the impact of long hours, missed meals, and sleepless nights. Here are some proven methods:
Develop time management skills. One of the most critical aspects of entrepreneurialism is properly arranging your workday. Know when your periods of productivity are in schedule your most intensive activities during those periods. When fatigue sets in, switch to activities that require little thought or energy.
Improve your decision-making ability. Worrying over difficult decisions, or even easy ones, plays havoc with many entrepreneurs. Recognize the importance of making urgent decisions quickly and do not hesitate to put off decisions that don’t need to be made right away.
Vitamins, vitamins, vitamins. Make sure you are getting proper nutrition. Entrepreneurs seem to have periods when they skip meals and other periods when they overeat with potential clients. This is tough on your body and its immune system. Make sure your diet is providing the proper vitamins you need to fight off those germs you catch from shaking the hands of potential clients. If you’re not able to handle your needs through diet, visit a vitamin store.
Enjoy a walk other diversion. When you are struggling with creativity or procrastinating on a task, break the moment with a diversion. Take a walk, do some exercising, read a chapter in a book, or some other diversion that, when completed, will allow you a fresh start.
Insomnia isn’t all bad. If you cannot go to sleep, do not spend the night tossing and worrying. Get to work, read a trade magazine, or work on your calendar for the next day. Not only is this productive, it will help you to go to sleep.
Today’s entrepreneur should be proactive. Although it’s true you’re not likely to die from something as simple as strep, the strep virus can sideline you — robbing you of billable hours and sales contacts.
Author Rick Weaver is President of Max Impact Corporation, a leadership and strategy development company. He offers more anecdotal leadership lessons in his book, “Life’s Leadership Lessons”, a collection of 53 anecdotes about his life. Rick reveals how the people, events, and things he has encountered in his life taught him valuable leadership lessons. The book is available in paperback, e-book, or a Kindle download. For more information or to download the first chapter to preview, visit: Life’s Leadership Lessons.