Father Time Posts Article #1,500 On Famous ArticlesBase.com Website! Do YOU Have A Goal?

This is Father Time’s 1,500th Article on ArticlesBase.com Because Article Marketing Really Works! If YOU Need a Good Ghost Writer…then Contact the Good Father!

If You NEED Good Luck…Then Here are 12 spectacular and amazingly powerful Amulets & Talismans that REALLY WORK! Use one or more of them when Gambling for added effectiveness in Winning! Or perhaps to help your business grow! Or to help your romantic life! What have you got to lose?

#1: The Indian Medicine Bag Good Luck Amulet!

This is our #1 best seller at our website at FatherTimePublishing.com and many people love these amulets because they have a long tradition dating back to the North American Indians who used these for many things…a successful trip, a bountiful harvest or plentiful hunting trip, or even to bring good luck to the whole tribe!

We have this wonderful and fascinating…elderly, married, shaman, Native American couple who make these for us using their skills, which were passed down from many generations! They both have amazing and effective “powers” and these Indian Medicine Bags are also blessed, and ritually super-charged! They are ideal for an all around good luck amulet, and are great for attracting a new job or promotion, increased business success, and also gambling or lottery winnings. These little beauties are also good for matters of Love, Sex, Romance, Dating, and Marriage! Or to improve an existing relationship!

#2: Gambler’s Lucky Solid Silver Quarter & Crystals Mojo Bag

Back in 1964 and prior, the U.S.A. used to issue solid silver quarters and other coins. There are not too many left “floating around” because most people have been hoarding them ever since they stopped making them! There is something powerful and mystical about a solid silver coin, and these bags (which are in limited supply) are very powerful because they actually contain a real U.S. quarter from 1964 or before, plus some crystals to accentuate the power of the silver! This would be a great “bet” for you (pun intended) if you want to win some serious coin!

#3: Love Potion #911 – Jennifer’s Blend

This is a powerful blend of a love potion, and it is ideal for those who really want to attract love, sex, romance, et cetera! It is a very powerful blend and should be handled with care! “Be careful what you wish for!” You simply leave the vial on your dresser or nightstand along with a few other items, to attract the Love of Your Life that you have always wanted!

#4: Gambler’s Money-Attracting Chinese Coins Mojo Bag

This amazing Mojo Bag contains three little replicas of a certain ancient Chinese coin from a dynasty where wealth and good fortune prevailed! The coins are super-charged by the presence of some Brasilian Radiant Stones, and this little bag packs a big punch with bringing money-attracting Good Luck!

##: By the way…You did not just happen to land here by mistake or accident! YOU were meant to be here for a reason! There are some outstanding Good Luck Amulet choices that may be ideal for you! ArticlesBase.com always has some really cool pieces of information! Please pass this one on to someone you know who might like it! Thanks!

#5: Good Luck Attracting Jade & Sterling Silver Ring

Hold the phone! These are absolutely amazing and they are made by hand in Tibet! We have trouble getting more than a few at a time, and they are extremely effective and powerful! They always sell out quickly because they are so powerful and popular! Whether you wear it as a ring, carry it in your pocket or purse, or even if you leave it home…you will still benefit from the amazing power and effectiveness of this Jade & Sterling Silver Ring!

#6: Good Luck & Protection Angels

These are made by hand, by an elderly lady who really has some sort of power or connection to her higher power! Wow! They are amazingly attractive and they bring huge good fortune and protection! They always sell out quickly and we only get a few at a time!

#7: Mayan Worry Dolls

Long ago, the amazing Mayan civilization flourished, and they made many awesome developments in the world at that time. They even created the calendar which ends on December 21, 2012 and has some people worried and concerned! Another magical and mystical thing they came up with, were the Mayan Worry Dolls…tiny dolls in a tiny sack. The legend says that you tell your worries to the dolls, then put them in the bag, before going to bed, and while you sleep, they do the worrying for you. When you awake, your worries may be gone! You can also tell them your wishes and desires, as they are a very powerful and effective Good Luck Attracting Amulet! You might really need to get some!

#8: Father Time’s Magical Good Luck Crystal

This is a powerful beauty, in the form of a Clear Quartz Crystal, which comes from Mother Earth herself! These are powerful lucky stones and can easily be carried in your pocket! People really Love these and they have always been a huge seller and a big favorite with our customer-friends who enjoy the good luck items!

#9: Love, Love, Love Attracting Amulet Necklace

These are extremely powerful stones or crystals that happen to be heart-shaped and they have enormous powers to attract love, sex, romance, and so forth, into your life! Improve a marriage or existing relationship, or if you are single…attract your soul mate or ideal partner! Maybe you want to attract a friend with benefits, and that can be arranged as well.

#10: Jennifer’s Powerful & Magical Lucky Stones Mojo Bag

My faithful assistant Jennifer, has some amazingly powerful abilities and some real magical talent! She blesses and ritually super-charges many of our products and she has concocted a few effective products, such as this Mojo Bag which is great for a variety of uses! Maybe YOU need one to help you with a huge variety of goals, hopes, dreams, and desires!

#11: Brasilian or Brazilian Radiant Stones

These are ideal for Super-Charging other amulets and talismans! They can be added to a Mojo Bag, an Indian Medicine Bag, or even a bag of Mayan Worry Dolls! These stones greatly increase the power of those other items! Found in the deep recesses of the Amazon, that amazing Rain Forest, which contains some of the marvels of the world, these brilliant looking stones and crystals just might give you goosebumps! You get a package of 4 small stones that have been randomly selected for YOU!

#12: Gambler’s Fortune Telling Card

This is a fun device and it just might help you win a lot! It is a small, debit card sized, battery operated device, a bit thicker than a debit card, and you simply ask it a question, such as, “Should I bet the number 7 horse?” Or “Should I sit at this poker table?” Then you press the button and the lights chase around the six possible answers while it makes a Carnival-type noise. Then the Card gives you an answer, just like a Magic 8 Ball. Only one out of six is a definite “NO” so the card is a lot less limiting than your mom or your spouse!

So, there you have a dozen great suggestions of Good Luck Amulets and Charms to help you in honor of my 1,500th article here on this great ArticlesBase.com

My name is Father Time, and my website at www.FatherTimePublishing.com has many other awesome gift items and other good luck charms! Come have a look! You will love it, you really will! You may even need me to ghost write some article marketing pieces for you! You may even want to hire me as a ghost writer to help YOU promote your website. Send an e-mail to inquire!

Many Blessings & Good Luck!

Father Time can HELP YOU! You Did Not SEE THIS by Mistake or by Accident! Whether you Need a Good Ghost Writer for Hire! Or maybe you need his Daily Motivational e-mail Service! Or perhaps a Powerful Good Luck Amulet is what you Need!

It was Meant To Be that YOU found this Message on ArticlesBase.com 

Father has been a published writer for over 33 years, and He also has a fabulous Online SuperStore featuring many unique and interesting items, including Good Luck Amulets, Psychic Readings via e-mail, Indian Medicine Bags, and other Powerful & Effective Mystical Items and Good Luck Attracting Jewelry! Do YOU Want to WIN MONEY Gambling?

Father’s awesome website is www.FatherTimePublishing.com where he also offers an Awesome Daily Motivational e-mail Service! You can sign-up for FREE for a limited time only!