Right around my weakest time… right around the time I thought I might toss in the towel and go back to corporate life, an old friend of mine named Jim dropped me an email that he was gonna be in town for a couple days.
He wanted to know if I could grab lunch and I thought, “Well, if I am gonna go back to a 9-5, who better to help me get back to ‘work’…”
So, we did meet up at a local place a few days after that email message. I was genuinely happy to see him and it was good to be out and away from my computer for a while.
Being that Jim is an Advertising Executive (for a company that generates more revenue in a day than most people make in decades) of course our conversation veered towards ‘Internet talk’.
And it took less than 5 minutesfor Google to come into the convo…
At first we were basically laughing at how easy it used to be to profit from AdWords/PPC… but then I began to share what had happened to me… and how life shattering it had been to lose my AdWords account.
My website traffic… my sales… my income… my entire life had come to a screeching halt.
And then I am ashamed to admin – I broke down- I admitted defeat to my old friend and told him I was gonna be putting together the resume and try to get back in the industry for a normal 9-5.
He Looked Like He Wanted To Slap Me In The Face Right There In Public For Giving Up And Talking About Going Back To Work A 9-5!
Jim wasn’t sympathetic at all – not like I thought he would be – I dunno. I guess I thought he was gonna tell me, “everything will be ok!”
Instead, he looked angry with me…. he looked like he wanted to slap me.
He told me (quite bluntly) that I was insane for EVER considering going back to a 9-5. “Listen”, he said, “you have the life everybody dreams of, including me… you wake up when you want to… you work when and WHERE you want too… you have the IDEAL!”
“Why would you ever give up on that?”
After hearing him put it that way, I realized I had been acting like a martyr… I had been ungrateful for the opportunities that I had in my life. In fact, I was so busy feeling crappy about my life, I had totally ignored the fact that Jim personally manages millions of dollars in ad spending every year for his company.
Instead of getting caught up in how bad things had been – I SHOULD have been bugging Jim for insider info on what he was doing for his company.
Well, I wasn’t going to be a martyr…
I wasn’t going to ignore opportunities…
I WAS going to rebuild my business, bigger, better, and more profitable than ever before. And I was going to ask Jim for help!
Big Companies Only Use Google For Branding Because Google Only Owns 6% Of All Internet Traffic. Big Companies Get Their Traffic From The 94% – Because That’s Where The Real Traffic Really Is!
As you might guess, once it dawned on me that Jim was a resource I should have tapped into long ago – he had the traffic buying experience, the traffic testing experience, and millions of dollars worth of ad spend data to know what works and what doesn’t…
… well, once that dawned on me… I hit him up for every bit of information I could… I mean I grilled him and sucked up every tiny morsel of traffic informationI could get out of him.
You might be surprised (I was) to know that his company very rarely even used Google AdWords to advertise –or any other PPC network for that matter…
A company with millions of dollars in their ad budget didn’t even bother with PPC campaigns on networks like Google Adwords… all because the return simply is not there for them.
With any little bit of competition in a market, Jim reminded me that PPC clicks can quickly get outrageous (sometimes as much as $ 25 or more for a single click).
He went on to reveal that it was more than that though… click costs was just one reason they didn’t use PPC for their advertising.
You see – Google was too small for them.
“Small!”, I said… “how the hell can this multi-billion dollar company that seems to be buying everybody ever be considered small?”
“Small”… he replied… “because Google only has 6% of all Internet traffic. The REAL traffic is in the other 94%!”
I had been looking at website traffic completely WRONG!
I was thinking too small…
Yes, in our industry we are ‘brainwashed’ early on to believe that Google is the definition of traffic. But the reality is, they only own a small percentage of all the traffic that exists:
You’ll notice that there has been growth from 1% of all Internet traffic to 6% of all Internet traffic since 2007 – that actually is mostly attributed to the purchase of YouTube.
And even with that – there’s still 94% of Internet traffic out there that we’ve been brainwashed to ignore!
If Google Has As Much Traffic As They Do And They Account For Only 6% Of ALL Internet Traffic, Then Why Aren’t You Getting The Traffic You Need Today?
So if there is all this traffic everyone is talking about in Google – and Google only makes up a small fraction of the total traffic online… why aren’t you getting YOUR share of traffic online?
I’m gonna be super blunt here so buckle up.
You’re not getting the traffic you want because, if you’re like most, you’re still struggling with the old outdated methods that haven’t worked for years.
Or, you’re sweating it out, busting your ass trying to get article marketing or SEO to work, backlinking, blogging, and everything you can muster just to get a trickle of traffic for all your efforts.
So, as you may have already guessed, this is all a big fast waste of your time, and will take FOREVER to generate results – assuming they ever do get you the results you want.
How many times have you set up a new site, tried all the methods they have been teaching you, and found yourself refreshing your stats over and over and over again (every day) only to grow more and more disappointed each day.
This is a vicious cycle that 95% of all internet marketers enter into…
And never get out of…
… of course, most marketers still keep trying to do these things – crossing their fingers… praying… HOPING that maybe, “this time it will work”!
So, what happens then?
They grow frustrated, tired, worn out – and on the verge of just giving up hope all together when it never works for them.
So hear this – loud and clear. That’s over for you now…
Now, with a few quick punches of some keys on your keyboard… and a few quick clicks of your mouse, you could unleash a Tidal Wave of buying traffic that demands what you’re selling or promoting.
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My name is Martin you
In this Article you will find a way to make money online
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