Simplify Your Business Success – For New Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners (Part 3 of 4)

Success is simple. Would you believe me if I told you so?

In order to succeed in your new adventure as an entrepreneur or small business owner, you need three things right: Right reason, right mentality, and right game plan.

So you’ve figured out the right reason, which is to do something that you love.

You do want to make money, of course. But there are many ways to make money, and you’re choosing this particular niche because it’s your passion. You will do what it takes to succeed. Why? Because you enjoy it, and you’d want to make it work.

However, knowing the right reason ONLY is not going to be enough to run a successful business. It is a good starting point, but it’s not going to get you anywhere, unless you know what kind of materials (read: mentalities) you would need to make a strong foundation.

First, I want you to do some little thinking.

Think of your current boss (or your former boss). How much they micro-manage you, how often they change things around on the last minute and guess who needed to work all night or all weekend to implement those changes.

Think about those angry customers you had to listen to their vent, and how much you had to bend over backwards to try to satisfy their needs. Yet, in the end, they were either still not satisfied with the final result, they cancelled the orders entirely, or totally blew your proposal off.

Think about how much you got in trouble with your boss because of something that you had nothing to do about. Either it was literally your co-workers faults or just because your boss had bad days and they (thought they) were allowed to take it out on everybody else. Well, especially the employees.

Now be prepared for this: As a business owner, you will STILL have all those. Except, instead of getting it from 1 or 2 bosses, you will be getting it from more individuals. They’re called: CLIENTS. Or CUSTOMERS, depend on type of your business.

Are you ready for that?

If you’re positive and answered, “Yes”, here’s what you will get from the other side of the coin: FREEDOM.

Freedom to choose your own client. If they waste more time and resources while you have other more profitable clients to take care of, you get to make that decision to keep or ditch.
Freedom to do things your own way. If you always knew better ways to do something, but were unable to apply them because you couldn’t get approval, or because your boss worried you might outshined them, here’s your time. Do it in the best, most productive and most time-and-cost efficient way you can. You would want to anyway, because your time is money.
Freedom to be who you are. And this is important, especially when you run a service business. People buy from those who they know, trust, and like. You could let your personality shines through and attract compatible clients. Speak the way you speak, choose your own language. No more office politics that you have to worry about. Everything within professional manner, of course.

Now that you have seen both sides of the coins, you need to know if you have what it takes to succeed in your new business adventure.

1. You bounce. Literally. You will fall flat on your face a couple times. And you need to get up and keep running. I remember when I was a kid there was a saying, “You will not be able to ride a bike until you fall”. As a kid, we recuperated faster. As an adult, it takes more time and effort. Can you handle it?

2. You learn from mistakes. Not quitting or turning around because of them. Are you able to admit when you’re wrong or something doesn’t work, and be open-minded to figure out the solution? Even if, sometimes it means to start from scratch?

3. You are healthy and willing to take care of yourself. Choose the relaxation ways that won’t harm you in the morning or during meetings with clients. Fun time is over, you might think. Well, depends on the way you look at it. Hey, something’s got to give. Can you accept that?

4. You are willing to keep up with technologies and/or open to always learn new things. Don’t be stubborn, and when you think you knew it all, you listen anyway.

If your answer is more “Yes, yes and yes”, then you’re ready for the next step. Get the drawing board and design your game plan.

Jean Kurniati is a Virtual Assistant with vast experiences in small & family businesses. She believes there is a strong connection between personal success and success as an entrepreneur or business owner. Simplify it. Don’t sweat.