Rejuvenation’s Art

Entrepreneurs have a common approach to focus solely on the usage of time and money when building or managing a business. However, research shows that when the entrepreneurs invest in building a new company, they should pay more attention to management of his or hers energy because it is as important to the entrepreneur as the management of his or her time or capital invested.

If you are a sole proprietor it is inevitable it would seem that you would find yourself doing all the task and functions of getting the new company of the ground. The necessity of filling the role of chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief operational officer, receptionist, salesperson, and the now new role of social marketer are important but challenging and equally important is the role of rejuvenator: the role of making sure rejuvenation, recovery and rest (what I call the 3’R’s of a growing entrepreneur) are being attended to in your business.

Wearing all the hats makes for a difficult juggling act and a lot of consumption of time since not every entrepreneur has a magic wand to make all the work-task complete with no effort. Well with that being said it would be best to admit the fact: that there is no getting all the work done, there is always more work, another phone call, another free marketing idea to be exploited. So I would recommend the placing of artificial boundaries. I suggest using this mindset approach:

1. Decide immediately what hours will be dedicated for working. This is crucial because many small business owners do not know when or maybe how to turn the lights off, sort of speak. Therefore, work within a set open and closed hours schedule and stick to it. Also very important is the setting aside of personal and or vacation time. Decide how many days will be vacation only days and how many will be personal days and resolve not to bring along your cell phone, laptop, or trade industry magazine, you know your portable office on those set days.

2. Next, I would suggest random mid-day breaks. I have always been a raving fan of getting away during the day for 15 minutes to do absolutely NOTHING. Just to disengage yourself from the routines of your business or practice during this time. Also consider employing power naps to increase concentration and resilience in tackling problems or coming up with new solutions, for creating and taking advantage of opportunities. The goal is to make your mind young again, rejuvenate yourself. Revitalization will give you the strength to launch and manage a business until you can afford to hire employees, if you desire help.

3. Lastly, you have heard this said before no doubt: Plan your work and work you plan. Set aside time once a week to plan the next seven days of activities. Make sure to include and consider your activities of rejuvenation. As they are equally if not more important as burning both ends of the candle devising a new marketing strategy or servicing the needs of a new client.
Remember being an entrepreneur is not just being active on your business and business alone. It is also a role in society which needs entrepreneurs to come up with fresh new ideas and concepts. These ideas and concepts are created and captured when the entrepreneurs mind is able to relax and rest, in other words refresh itself.

Lorenzo Hills is a business coach and consultant who works with entrepreneurs and small business owners needing to re-focus and re-tool their businesses. He can be reached at 704-248-7964