If you have a business idea and you would like to implement it, then do not apply for a loan if you don’t have to. Did you know the government can give you up to $ 500,000 to start a new business? Did you know the government will also give you up to $ 100,000 to start working from your own home? Why does the government do this? To help stimulate the economy.
The government gave out over $ 1 trillion in government grants last year and will continue to do so each and every year. So, regardless of who applies for a grant there will still be $ 1 trillion going out to the American public. If it baffles me why people spend more effort trying to play the lottery than they do in trying to get a government grant. Why would anyone spend money they will never get back on the lottery when they could apply for government grant awarded $ 100,000 to work for their kitchen table, and then they would never have to worry about the lottery!
Did you know that Apple computers was awarded over $ 3 million in government grant money to help get a business started? Did you know that the folks press was also awarded over $ 5 million and over help get their business started? Too many people think that they can not get a government grant. This is simply not true.
Students get grants each year and this is just an educational grant. If you want to start a business the government is 100% behind you. Believe it or not they would rather you have your own business than have you working for somebody else because your business could help stimulate the economy by giving people jobs. So if you have a business idea, do not apply for a bank loan, apply for government grant. You do not have to pay it back, ever.
I have found this resource for grants and I am sharing it with you. Find Free Government Grants.