Are you trying to speed up your metab for weight loss?

One of the worst things you can do if you are trying to speed up your metabolism is to drastically reduce your calorie intake. If you carbohydrate consumption drops below approximately 1,000 to 1,500 calories per day, your body may respond by slowing your metabolic rate down. The average person’s metabolism can slow down by as much as 40 – 45%. Furthermore, you will also start to burn lean muscle mass. Muscle mass is a very effective calorie burner.  

1. Always Eat Breakfast.
Did you know that about 50% of people with a slow metabolism seldom eat a proper breakfast? The best form of breakfast to eat, if you have a slow metabolism is a high fibre carbohydrate meal such as oatmeal with some fresh or frozen fruit and ground flax seed then you’ve got a good stable and healthy combination of carbs, protein and fats.

2. Eat frequently and don’t starve yourself
Eating small regular meals through the day will keep your metabolism going. You should try to eat about five to six times a day. A snack of a banana, apple or yogurt counts as one of those meals. It is important that you bear in mind that if you allow yourself to go without food for more than three – four hours during the day, your metabolism will slow down. Staying hydrated and drink plenty of water is also important.

3. Interval Training
Interval training is special form of exercise routine that is designed to causes the heart rate to increase for a short period of time followed by a break. This routine is done repetitively increases the heart rate for a few minutes at a time and then letting it return back to its normal rate. Many people think that interval training is just for athletes and sportsmen. This is definitely not true. Interval training can be done by anyone of average health, regardless of their fitness level. But if you are not use to physical activities be careful not to overdo it and check with your doctor to make sure you are medically okay. Basic interval training does not need any special equipment and can be as simple as jogging for a small distance then walking until your heartbeat slows back to normal then simply repeat the same routine several times until you feel as if you have had enough for that day.

5. Weight Training
Weight training is the ultimate method for naturally getting rid of love handles etc. By influencing the speed of your metabolism because muscles being put under heavy repetitive fatigue will burn-up more calories than any other form of activity.

Bolting it all together:
Incorporate interval training routines into your fitness workouts at least 2 to 3 times a week and start eating smaller but more regular meals 5 to 6 times a day. Always carry a healthy snacks with you so you don’t get caught slowing down your metabolism by not eating frequently enough.

I write from my experience regarding dieting and health issues from the:- Low gi diet, to the Dukan diet including dietary aids such as:Gynexin and special diets to help man resolve the dilemmas of “how get rid of man boobs” ect.