Trading Currencies on the Internet – How to Make a Triple Digit Income From Home!

The first point to keep in mind is while you need to learn the basics and you need to make an effort. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you will make money with no effort with a Forex robot – they don’t work.

In a market where most traders lose, you have to make an effort and that’s a fact. You need to do your homework and learn the basics but you need to learn only the right information. If you work smart you can learn quickly and this doesn’t mean working hard, it means working on learning right information which can make you the biggest profits in the least amount of time.

You can easily learn to trade currencies in just a few weeks and then you can be trading for huge profits, if you follow the advice below

1. Use Forex Charts

If you use charts, you don’t need to know the reasons why prices are moving, you just follow the price action and trends. So you can forget about looking at the news or learning about the economy of the country and just focus on following price action and trends in currencies.

2. A Simple Trading Strategy for Big Gains

In terms of your trading strategy keep it simple and don’t get complicated!Complex strategies don’t work better, because If you make your strategy to complicated it will have too many elements to break.

Just learn to use support and resistance correctly and learn high odds chart formations and use a handful of indicators to confirm your trades. There are many to choose from – but we think the best ones are – Bollinger bands, MACD, the stochastic, ADX and the RSI. You can learn all of them in a day and if used correctly, they can make you a lot of money.

Focus on Trading Long Term Trends

If you trade the longer term trends which last for weeks or months, you will make less effort and make more money from your trading than if you spend hours at your computer trying to capture intra day moves. If you try scalp the market, you are taking low odds trades and this will see you lose so focus on the long term

Money Money Management

Be realistic about the amount of money you can make and don’t try and get rich in a few weeks. Use leverage sensibly and 10 – 20:1 is plenty for most traders and you can make a lot of money, while keeping risk low.

Also keep in mind the percentage of losses you have doesn’t matter, so long as you run your profits and cover them, you can make big gains on your account overall and that;s the aim of trading currencies.

Many of the worlds best traders lose over 70% of the time but still make huge profits because they keep losses small and run their winning trades and this is what you must do to win. If you don’t want to take losses don’t trade currencies you need to learn to lose to win.

You can Win!

Anyone has the potential to make money trading currencies on the Internet and there is no other business which can offer you such great rewards for your effort as global currency trading.



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