Expediently enroll Coaching or Consulting clients and get booked solid without having to ask how their doing or having to discover their needs etc. There really are some very successful methods you can use to enroll clients with ease. As a matter of fact you could build you entire business using this simple system.
Maybe you offer copywriting services, if so the last thing you want to do is wait for a client to just show up and hire you. Instead you should be out their prospecting, paying for advertising, or marketing. Well not with this GREAT, get booked solid system.
For example, every copywriter has the opportunity to enroll clients with ease, and here’s how.
Lets go back to our copywriter, every copywriter knows where their clients hangout. That’s all you need, now what you could do is to create a split test campaign for a prospect. Just take a look at their website, and create a split test or A/B test for them. Use their copy and write a competitive one for your test campaign.
Present it to them, and offer to set it all up on contingency, if your copy sells you’ll split the profits with them, if not you receive nothing. Now why would this work, for one it costs them nothing, secondly they could actually increase their income with no effort on their part. And more importantly they can evaluate a prospective vendor with no risk to themselves.
So if you’re seeking to enroll clients and get booked solid, go out tomorrow and find prospects you can create joint ventures with. That way you can prove your value to them, with no risk or cost to them unless you create income.
Practically every prospect will agree to see what you can do, now don’t settle for a small percentage of the income created by the joint venture. You’re a professional and worth every penny, and you can prove it.
If you’re ready to go to the next step, and become a High Priced Expert than go to Adapt on a Dime.com http://www.adaptonadime.com Get your FREE “Quick Start Guide To Become A High Priced Expert.”
Paul Godines Coaches Professionals to become High Priced Experts using Joint Ventures. Leveraging and Multiplying your Skills, Knowledge and Experience into a High Priced Consulting Practice.