A chicken coop can cost anywhere between $ 500 to $ 700 and sometimes even more. Furthermore, the ones available in the market are fabricated ones and loosely designed. Spending such a big amount on something really ineffective can mean a disaster. Therefore, people take up the activity of building the coop by themselves. It is also a fun activity where kids can participate and can learn a lot of things. Moreover, building a chicken coop has become a very sought after activity by families at times of holidays. However, building coops is not an easy thing. A lot of people fail miserably for not paying heed to fundamentals. There are a few important things which you can’t afford to miss. Let’s take a look.
The most important factor to consider is safety. It should be made of good quality and durable material. Chickens should feel safe and sound in the coop. When considering safety you must smartly position the coop so that dogs, cats, rodents and other predators are off it all the time. Furthermore, heavy winds and rain should not affect the chicken when inside the coop. Brightness and warmth inside the coop is another aspect. The brightness will keep the chickens pepped up and the warmth will keep them cozy. This criteria is directly related to the health of the chicken. The third and the most important aspect in a chicken coop is the ease in the cleaning process. The design should be such that cleaning is not trouble some. A clean coop means healthier chickens and higher mortality rate.
There are a lot of other things you must pay attention to but following these fundamentals and making them the base of the design will surely walk you through to success in building and maintaining the chicken coop as well as the chicken and the yield.
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