Monetary Review 2011

Surviving a currency crash

Private International Bankers are just hitting the critical 40 year mark of the fiat currency cycle and we along with them. No country has ever made it past 40 years without defaulting. The U.S is very close to 100 trillion dollars of debts.

People that believe somehow the economy will get better have just not examined the facts. The currency will be crashing and few will talk about it.

The bankers have been shorting the gold and silver markets which now have caught up to them. The currency being printed is unprecedented, hyper inflation is only a matter of time.

The big difference this time is now it will be a crash that affects the whole world. Since it has been confirmed that the gold and silver markets have been manipulated the trust is gone, people and countries are taking possession of physical gold and silver no longer trusting in paper.

China for example buying 47 tons of gold now buys almost 4 times that. When the cupboards are bare that will be when the default occurs.

Few people understand the monetary system, fractional reserve banking, or how the evil genius of the entire system works. It is criminal or as some say a form of legalized theft. On one hand it promises prosperity but on the other it’s only a matter of time when the day comes along where it’s time to pay the piper.

The Federal Reserve has never been audited, what does this tell you? Businesses will soon not be able to function as costs of doing business will not be feasible you are seeing more civil disobedience. Countries are going bankrupt the bailouts will come to an end, they will not be able to keep up.

The biggest and most important question is what can we do, the answer is buy gold and silver and take possession of the physical bullion. Gold and silver have been real money for 6000 years and will continue to be, the prices will soon skyrocket as there will be a gold rush as people begin to find out what’s really going on. Estimates are $ 900.00 oz silver and over $ 50,000.00 oz gold. It will be crazy for sure the greatest opportunities come out of the greatest calamities.

Wealth is never lost it is transferred and what we are going to be seeing here is a readjustment, one that should give you an idea how much the bankers have stolen with their taking the dollar down to the true worth of zero value.

The banks will be closing their doors not for a few days like in the past this time it will probably be a few months. What you will probably see is a cleaning of the slates and the Amero will be born, an exchange of the currency you have for pennies on the dollar. The people holding gold and silver will be able to survive and prosper through these times as ugly as they will no doubt be.

These events will be occurring fast, the majority of people don’t even see it coming. The ones that do however and prepare will come out winners. Silver will be the better investment as it has been manipulated the most is used commercially and is in shorter supply, the bankers manipulation caused some silver mines to shut down causing a greater shortage, the law of unforeseen consequences.

Learn more here and purchase gold and silver


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