Facebook Fan Page Marketing: 5 Easy Steps To Effective Marketing On Facebook

Marketing on Facebook is quickly on the rise, with over 20,000 published fan pages, but there is still plenty of time for you to jump into the game before your competition. With over 500 million active users, spending over 15 minutes per day on Facebook, your business stands the chance to rapidly expand its customer base using a few simple techniques.
Simply creating a fan page, group, or events on facebook won’t automatically mean a boost in sales or traffic to your website. Facebook marketing still takes patience and strategic planning. Here are some do’s and don’ts that you should consider when setting up your company’s facebook marketing campaign.

1.Marketing on Facebook involves more than just hard selling. Facebook users are not interested in your products. They want to communicate with real people and have discussions about things they like. Find a way to mold your product into these conversations and you will experience the power behind this social network.

2.Be real. Many companies setup atupmated posts and responses on Facebook. People can tell when you’re not being real and they will immediately leave your page, group, or event the second they feel it. This is the fastest way to lose targeted leads.

3.Let your users and fans communicate with you. Enable comments and discussions on your fan page to allow and incentivize visitors to communicate. Get them talking and give them a reason to come back to your page in the future.

4.Create a facebook fan page. A fan page is a must-have when marketing on facebook. Fan pages now allow you to communicate with customers, convert visitors into leads, and drive traffic to your website. You can now embed email sign up forms and actual buy buttons right into facebook. Imagine the experience you can provide your customers by allowing them to stay within facebook while also purchasing your products and services.

5. Create a custom “landing page” for all new visitors to your fan page. Most companies don’t even realize you can do this, but Facebook allows you to create a “marketing” page right in your fan page. You can use this page to provide coupons, encourage visitors to become fans, interact with the community, and even buy your products. Without a custom landing page, you will be fighting an uphill battle on facebook.

Become a “real” company in the eyes of your prospects is the first step in earning their trust. People want to find companies that interact this way and if you can become that for them, they will never leave you. There are plenty of free resources that will guide you through exactly how to create a profitable presence on facebook while leaving your competition in the dust.

To learn more, grab my free facebook marketing report right now. Visit http://www.get10000fans.com/facebook for more free information on facebook fan page marketing. You can also visit our facebook fan page at http://facebook.com/get10000fans.