Opensource Development ? Open source For Small Business

Opensource is widely accepted solutions for big to small businesses. The lure for opensource is its price. Opensource software is software that is developed by people with a real interest in developing applications for everyone to use for free.

It is free to use and usually distributed for free. Some companies packages it up so it can be easy to install and for this they charge small fees. While some companies sell the product and give support for limited time.

Most of the opensource product develop for the Linux platform. Before accepting Linux as operating system assure that Linux support is adequate if needed. Taking support from the same person who sold you the software is not a good sign after all. He’ll end up owing your business.

Operating cost of opensource is extremely low. You need not to spend anything on license fee or server fees. Voluntary nature of developers further reduce the cost. There is no need of any secrecy for the matter such as audits with the opensource. There are no pesky encryption or activation code to download. You need not worry about to pay for any upgrade or for improved version which is already free.

If you want to evaluate opensource for small businesses you have to establish an evaluation system for opensource. The first step is to set up a test bed server. This can be older server which can be reliable and fast enough to approximate in real world results. Most of the opensource software is Linux based so you have to decide on Linux distribution. Red Hat Linux and Suse Linux are two of the best and both are supported by the companies that distribute them.

Now, you need a development environment and a SQL server. MySQL is the best choice. You need a distribution package. The best for Apache, MySQL and PHP is XAMPP which can be downloaded at Just install in piece by piece. Make sure that application you are considering has external support. Also assure that application has user manual. Many open source packages are released with nothing more than a few sentences describing the installation process.  |


Abhimanyu Sharma is professional Opensource web developer at IndiaNIC, having more than 17 years of experience in the website design & development outsourcing field. We have expert opensource website developer for hire within your budget.

There are three things that cause MLM business opportunities and other small business opportunities to fail. If you have tried a small home business and did not reach your goals, you are not alone. Unless you address these issues, your small home business has a very small chance of success. Luckily the things that make the difference for a small home business are easy to overcome.

Leads Are The Most Important Issue For Small Home Business

When we start a small home business, we picture people being so happy to talk with us and buy our products and services. Later, we find people are hard to approach and harder to sell. What is needed for success is a constant source of targeted leads. Without them, sales will be low and the business will die.

Everyone wants good leads, but how do you get them? New technology has solved this challenge. There is now software available through the Small Business Association, which is free to members, that will generate thousands of targeted leads and creates lists of phone numbers and emails to generate sales. The Association also provides at no charge, services that automatically contacts these leads by phone and email. You can contact thousands of leads with the push of a button.

Professional Training Is Essential

No one can know everything it takes to succeed in a small home business. Professional training is critical to the success of every small home business. The Small Business Association provides free training to its members featuring Carl Davidson. Members receive free DVDs, online sales training and ongoing support.

Ongoing Support For You, Employees And Downline

One thing owners of small home business often overlook is the need to keep the owner themselves, employees and members of any downline or affiliates pumped up and working. Downlines tend to dwindle and die without constant work to keep them active. This challenge is solved through twice weekly seminars and coaching sessions provided by the Small Business Association at no charge to members.

Be sure you are looking after these three areas and your small home business will prosper. 716-580-3384 If you found this article on small home business helpful, take a look at the Small Business Association. They solve every one of the challenges discssed in this article for their members at no charge.