If you’re feeling discouraged after a rough 2020, you’re not alone. But all is not lost in the business community. This year may actually offer some unique opportunities for small businesses to grow, market, or even get started. Here are some thoughts from members of the online small business community.
Take Advantage of Opportunities in 2021
Last year was a tough one for many businesses. But challenging times often lead to opportunities. In fact, 2021 may be an ideal year for certain businesses to grow. This Business and Tech post includes an interview with Small Business Trends Founder and CEO Anita Campbell about the unique opportunities businesses face this year.
Consider Why People Purchase Franchises
Franchises give aspiring entrepreneurs the ability to start new businesses quickly. It’s not right for everyone. But there are many reasons why certain people gravitate toward this option. Consider those listed in this post on The Franchise King blog by Joel Libava to help inform your own decisions.
Drive Online Traffic to Your Local Store
Foot traffic to local retailers dramatically decreased in 2020. But there are still ways to grow local businesses this year. Going online may provide unique opportunities, as Gary Shouldis discusses in this 3Bug Media post.
Don’t Overlook the Details When Starting a Small Business
The things that set apart successful businesses from others are often small. So paying attention to details may be key to your success in 2021. In this SMB CEO post, Ivan Widjaya explains some details entrepreneurs often overlook.
Learn Blogging Quickly and Easily
Through all the changes to the online landscape through the years, blogging remains a powerful business strategy. If you want to get started this year, check out this Blogging Brute post by Mike Allton for tips.
Consider Podcasting in 2021
However, blogging isn’t the only way to share valuable content with your audience. Podcasting actually offers several unique benefits. Beth Worthy of GMR Transcription compares the two here. And BizSugar members also discussed the post in the comments.
Keep Your Employees Engaged at Work
Your employees are your company’s greatest asset. So if you want to succeed this year, you need to keep them engaged. This may be especially tricky for those who have recently switched to fully remote or hybrid models. But this Onaplatterofgold.com post by Anthony Williams features tips for making it work.
Create a Content Hub
Through the years, your business has probably produced a lot of content. So 2021 may be the year where you find new ways to feature it. A content hub can help your customers more effectively find relevant posts, videos, and other media. Learn more in this SEMRush post by Margarita Loktionova.
Learn About Digital Marketing and Website Interaction
Content marketing isn’t just about pushing out all your own posts. You also need to interact with others, both on your own site and elsewhere. Check out the guide in this Lion Blogger post by Lahaul Seth. Then head over to BizSugar to see what community members are saying.
Start a New Business with a Small Budget
If you’re looking for a whole new career after a tough 2020, you’re in luck. Starting a business doesn’t need to be expensive. Read this Crowdspring post by Katie Lundin for a list of low-cost business ideas to start this year.
If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: sbtips@gmail.com.
Image: Depositphotos
This article, “10 Ways to Take Advantage of New Business Opportunities in 2021” was first published on Small Business Trends