Why Are Women-Owned Small Business Start-Ups Growing in Number?

The economy over the past few years hasn’t just been down, but rather downright dismal. Men and women alike have been losing jobs left and right, and many have had a hard time finding new jobs in their line of work. The reason, of course, is that during a recession such as we have been struggling to get out of, jobs are not just lost but are actually destroyed. Many of the companies that have struggled with extensive layoffs have eliminated the need for those jobs, so there quite simply isn’t a desk to come back.

So what is a woman to do? Women have carried the burdens of not just caring for but also providing for families for countless years. Even when it just wasn’t kosher for a woman to work outside the home, there were still women who took on paid tasks while tending to the house and kids just to help her family survive. This tradition continues on today, albeit in a much more modern way. As a gender, women are not people who will shut down when faced with a challenge, but instead will look for new ways to overcome the challenge. So with this in mind, it really isn’t surprising to learn that women-owned small business start-ups are growing in number Women-owned small business start-ups are known to be created and run by innovative and hard-working women who quite simply don’t know what giving up is. This is why these businesses are not just growing in number, but thriving in success and profits in a down economy.

Women-owned small business start-ups are growing simply because women not only don’t quit when life slams doors, but also because many of us carry that unique combination of being innovative and hard-working that is so necessary for success in the small business world.

Want to know more about women small business? Find insight, inspiration, and tips on how to make money doing what you love at this blog: womanzworld.com