Do You Have What It Takes?
If you think you want to be your own boss and run your own business, you are not alone. There is nothing unique about wanting to bring home the bacon without a boss breathing down your neck every day; or trading your time for a fraction of what it’s worth.
BUT, given the opportunity.. do you have what it takes?
You may not be cut out for the entrepreneurial lifestyle. Before you walk away from your steady paycheck.. be sure you do some really deep soul searching. Because the money can be down right obscene.. but success will depend totally on you, and it won’t be easy.
First clue that you are not entrepreneur material… is if you are looking for an easy or quick way to build wealth.
If you are thinking about starting your own business.. consider the following before you take that leap.
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs include but are not limited to:
Entrepreneurs value their health and pursue vigorous physical training and healthy diet programs. They are resilient and can work for extended periods of time, withstand high levels of stress while they hurdle the challenges of building their business.
Entrepreneurs do not function well in a structured environment. They enjoy creating… They are solution focused and goal oriented. They take responsibility for their decisions and results. You won’t find them pointing fingers or blaming someone else when something doesn’t go as planned.
They tackle problems with confidence and persistence. They thrive on challenge.
Entrepreneurs value their time and have a never-ending sense of urgency to develop ideas that will move them toward the objective. They thrive on activity and getting things done. Achievement- oriented, they are tireless in the pursuit of the goal.
Successful entrepreneurs devote their energy to completing the tasks immediately before them, EVERY DAY. You will rarely find a successful entrepreneur who does not have a task list in front of him/ her, checking it off… and saying “Ok, that’s done. What’s next!”
Entrepreneurs accept things as they are and deal with them. They are seldom unrealistic and will change their course of action as needed to stay on target.
Entrepreneurs identify problems and begin working on their solution faster than other people. They are used to solving problems. They are natural leaders and quick to identify a problem to be overcome.
These are 7 traits that can make the difference between someone who TRIES a business venture and fails.. and a true entrepreneur who succeeds at most anything he/ she does.
The key words here are…. try vs. do.
These traits come naturally for some people. If not for you.. then the good news is that they can be learned.
So.. are you a TRIER or a DOER?
If you feel that the above characteristics describe you, or the person you could be.. then you are an excellent candidate for true wealth… An entrepreneur who just needs the right 0pportunity..
If you don’t already possess these traits, but aspire to develop them; commit to becoming entrepreneurial. The best way to do that, is to surround yourself with other entrepreneurs, and do what they do.
Oops… there’s that keyword again… DO.
Rhonda Hailey
Entrepreneurs DO it here: