Becoming An Entrepreneur

Becoming an entrepreneur

It does not matter what budget you have before becoming an entrepreneur. You can start with no budget in your packet and I can tell you why. With no money to put on marketing to brand yourself or have money to spend on marketing you still have to show people who you really are. You cannot just pay somebody a lot of money on marketing and branding and say “hey, my name is … and I have money to pay for my marketing, so there you go, call me if you are serious about our business.” And you also don’t want to spend all of your time trying to learn free marketing. Yes there is a lot of ways on the Internet how to gain traffic to your site and generate leads for free, but you have to learn and spend time to learn how to do it. It may take you a few months. But do you really want to waste this time? All you have to do is start to show people who you are and what you do. The more people will see what you are doing the more people will join you and become your team members. Those people will tell their friends about you and without even spending money on marketing or trying to learn it you will have people find you on the internet automatically. People will see you and wonder what you are doing and they will start to search for you on the internet. It is an easy and free way to generate more people in your business. Internet today is huge and to try to have competition on the internet you better try to do it in real life. And in real life you can meet people that will right away help you and support you personally. Show people who you are first and then you will have enough people follow you and enough money to pay somebody to brand yourself. People will already know who you are so after you brand yourself on the Internet even more people will know who you are.
I was trying to figure out internet marketing a few months ago, I could sit all day watching training stuff there and follow up. No doubts it is really good stuff and you can learn very powerful tools. But in our business it is not what I want to do. In our business I need communicate with people, speak with real people. And then I thought how I will brand myself without even knowing who I am first. I needed to go out there personally and show people who I am and then start to brand, and then I will have enough money to pay somebody to do it, right? Plus I will already have people who are following me. Live and learn, this is true. I hope this article will help you becoming an entrepreneur.
Tanya Willis

We are successful entrepreneurs in the personal development business and work at home parents. Our team mentored by America’s top speakers, authors and trainers. Our goal is to provide each person with enough information, training and marketing skills so they can set up and start their own business with great results. We work individually with each person so this way we can give them the full support and attention they need to start their business. We are partners with serious, motivated, intelligent entrepreneurs, speakers, experts, leaders in the personal development industry.
Dave and Tanya Willis