One crucial (yet often overlooked) step for any new online business owner is to create a detailed business plan. This will become your foundation, as well as your “road map”, as your Internet venture develops. While drafting your business plan, you will be able to foresee many of the opportunities and challenges that you may experience along the way.
The first step is to write an overview of what your business will entail. Describe your products and/or services. Identify your target demographic along with the geographic areas you would like to cover. Research how much competition is out there and consider how you can differentiate yourself from that competition.
Financial projections are key when designing your business plan. Factor in your start-up costs, operational expenses and overhead. Include your expected profits, losses, sales and cash flow for various time periods (e.g. 1 month, 6 months, 1 year). Calculate how much capital you will require to get started.
Because you will be launching an Internet business, there will be other factors to consider as well. You will need a website that will brand both you and whatever product or service you will be marketing. Will you learn the necessary website building skills on your own or will you outsource these? What other parts of your business would you prefer to outsource in order to save time or money? These are all concerns that need to be addressed in the planning phase.
Next, you will need to draft a marketing plan. Choose one or two of the vast array of online marketing methods available. After mastering those, you can move on to more. Carefully plan out your marketing budget in order to maximize your return on investment (ROI).
Creating a business plan allows you to structure and map out your course of action. By taking your time, and doing this right, you will be able to run your new online business in a much more professional and efficient manner.
Karen Newman is the creator of the Experience Mapping concept and book by the same name. Experience Mapping is a process for leveraging past experience into future success. As a successful business coach and mentor, Karen assists former executives and workforce veterans transition to profitable careers on the Internet.