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Discover the right way to trade currency

So that you wish to learn to trade foreign exchange? You might have seen the adverts promising the earth, read the testimonials alluding to secret trading suggestions and have heard about the automated forex robotic apps that can “print you cash”. But you’ve got your head screwed on – you [CONTINUE READING]

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Currency exchange rates and news

When there are countless ways of making money from the market, you will be certainly spoilt for choices. Many investors consider forex trading as one of the most lucrative sources of making money. You need no big money to start your venture here; all you need to know is the [CONTINUE READING]

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Currency Exchange Exchanging Coaching

You’ll have seen the flashy forex trading adverts, read the persuasive testimonies of many successful foreign exchange merchants and been beguiled by the claims of vast earnings to be made by unbeatable strategies. However there’s a nagging doubt – it will probably’t really be that easy, can it? And the [CONTINUE READING]

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Automated Foreign Currency Trading Review

The following is a review of automated foreign currency trading platforms and systems to determine if they are successful, why they are successful, and which one is most successful and the best value. Foreign currency trading is the buying and selling (trading) of foreign currency pairs as the foreign currency [CONTINUE READING]

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Currency Spread Betting Tips And Hints

The spread betting medium provides a very simple way to trade forex currencies and this method of speculating  is soaring in popularity as traders switch to trading currencies in the absence of volatility in other markets.  In fact at some brokers, forex trading can account for up to a third [CONTINUE READING]

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Why Do I Need A Currency Broker?

For the majority of people the only time that they will ever need to have dealings with the foreign exchange is when they require foreign currency for a holiday overseas. There are many deals to be found on the High street of any town offering a good exchange rate or [CONTINUE READING]

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Stocks to Influence Currency Markets

Euro Zone Decline Continues Last week the risk appetite that had dominated currency markets for the previous two weeks came to an abrupt halt. Despite warnings from experts that economic optimism was premature many investors and traders adopted the ‘green shoots of recovery’ theory. The euro to dollar exchange rate [CONTINUE READING]

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The Use of Currency Trading Pairs

If you plan to go into forex, one of the most important points you need to understand is how currency trading pairs work. Although you are free to experiment and sift through other currencies where you can possibly make a profit, pairs in currency trading are the basics where you [CONTINUE READING]