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Tracking Tax Write-Off Carryovers

Due to various limitations on certain deductions and tax credits, you may not be able to use the full amount of a write-off in the year in which it arises. Instead, the unused amount may be carried forward and used in future years (or back in limited situations). Knowing the [CONTINUE READING]

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16 Nondeductible Expenses for the 2023 Tax Year

The 2023 tax filing season is here, and with it comes a slew of nondeductible expenses that could affect your bank account. Whether you’re filing taxes independently or as part of a household, knowing what isn’t deductible can help you more accurately plan for the upcoming year. In this article, [CONTINUE READING]

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What is Cold Calling? A Complete Guide

Cold calling remains a valuable tool for small businesses, offering a direct and personal way to reach potential customers. Despite the rise of digital marketing, the human touch of a phone call can effectively build relationships and generate leads. For small businesses, cold calling can be a cost-effective way to [CONTINUE READING]

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LLC Taxes: Everything You Need to Know in 2024

The process of managing LLC business taxes can be confusing and overwhelming, but with the right understanding of the laws and regulations, it’s not as complex as it seems. That’s why we created this comprehensive guide to help you understand everything you need to know about LLC taxes in 2024. [CONTINUE READING]

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5 Business Tax Extension Myths

Businesses must file annual federal income tax returns by a set due date. However, the rules impacting filing extensions are often confusing, which is responsible for business tax extension myths that people believe. Find out what is true so you won’t be held responsible by following myths that have no [CONTINUE READING]

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Whiteboard Markers: The Best Picks For Your Business

Whiteboards are a common feature in offices. Businesses use them for planning, identifying and prioritizing tasks, a message board, and other ways to communicate. A good marker goes hand in hand with your whiteboard. Some whiteboard markers can also write on materials made from glass, porcelain, or melamine. The ink [CONTINUE READING]

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Your Guide to Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising is a trend that’s gaining momentum in the digital marketing landscape. It’s fueled by smartphones and tablets, changing how brands connect with their target markets. Mobile-specific ad formats and features like location-based services, augmented reality experiences, and interactive ads also boost the mobile ad landscape. Projections have a [CONTINUE READING]