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Expand Your Revenue with a Shopify Course

Although it started much earlier, eCommerce took a new turn when amazon came up with its platform. Since then, many eCommerce platforms have been created and exhausted. Shopify is now one of the biggest eCommerce platforms in the world. It has seen exponential growth in the past several years. There [CONTINUE READING]

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11 Top Business Podcasts for Professionals (and Why They’re Worth Listening To)

For years, podcasts have been delivering high-quality content to businesspeople around the world. Whether you’re looking for business advice, inspirational feedback, personal stories or industry updates, there’s a podcast to suit your fancy. To offer up an idea of the best business podcasts out there today, 11 professionals from Young [CONTINUE READING]

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Cost Increases Causing Lunchflation

The recent ‘lunchflation’ trend has been confirmed to be real by new research undertaken by payment provider Square. Cost Increases Causing Lunchflation The trend is causing problems for restaurant owners forced to raise their prices to cover increased costs. These costs are now being passed on to average business lunch [CONTINUE READING]

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New Study Finds This State Has the Most Family-Owned Businesses

A new study analyzing data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Business Survey has identified the states and metros with the highest proportion of family-run companies. What State Has the Most Family-Owned Businesses? The study was conducted by OnDeck with the analyzed data including spouse-run businesses too. They discovered the [CONTINUE READING]

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How Does Raising Your Company’s Prices Impact Your Taxes

In this inflationary environment, many businesses must raise their prices to continue paying higher wages, taxes, and expenses and at least stay even in terms of profitability. NFIB reports that 70% of small businesses have raised prices, especially in such industries as wholesale, construction, retail trades, and manufacturing. And 46% [CONTINUE READING]