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Grow Your Revenue at the Bold CEO Sales Acceleration Summit

The long-term success of your business depends on your ability to generate revenue consistently, and closing sales is one way of doing it. The BOLD CEO SALES ACCELERATION SUMMIT is designed to teach you game-changing methods to prospect, pitch, and close so you can generate revenue. The summit will also give [CONTINUE READING]

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10 Tips for Creating an Effective Small Business Brand Experience

Your company’s branding encompasses so many elements, from your logo design to the voice used in marketing materials. Members of the online small business community have experience creating attention-grabbing yet consistent brand experiences. Learn how to do the same for your company below. Design Your Logo with These Trends in [CONTINUE READING]

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House Passes Bill to Fund Small Business Grant Program for $55 Billion

On Friday, the US House of Representatives passed HR 3807, a bill which calls for $55 billion to replenish a small business grant program. The bill aims to supply the small businesses in America which were most affected by the COVID pandemic. The grant program was part of the American [CONTINUE READING]