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Etsy Amplifies Support for Small Business Owners Ahead of the Holiday Rush

Etsy is stepping up its support as the holiday season approaches to ensure its community of millions of small business owners thrives during the most critical shopping season. In a letter to the sellers, Etsy’s Chief Operating Officer, Raina Moskowitz, outlined key updates that promise to bolster support. Enhanced Purchase [CONTINUE READING]

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Master Your Entrepreneurial Mindset and Other Building Blocks of a Strong Small Business

There are tons of advanced strategies for growing a business. But it’s important to first master the basics. Below, members of the online small business community share their most important building blocks for creating a strong business. Cultivate a Winning Entrepreneurial Mindset Your mindset as an entrepreneur can make a [CONTINUE READING]

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Better Serve Your Customers With the Help of Customer Service & Experience East 2023

Reuters has orchestrated the Customer Service & Experience East 2023 event to reshape customer-centric strategies, set for November 7-8, 2023. The event aspires to bridge the know-how of global customer service (CS) and customer experience (CX) leaders, offering a fertile ground for learning and networking. It’s an avenue to go [CONTINUE READING]