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Entrepreneurship Courses

Many people dream of opening their own business and establishing themselves through that business. Probably the most popular aspect of starting your own business is the fact that doing so means being your own boss. Thanks to today’s technology gaining an education in entrepreneurship is easy, convenient and just a [CONTINUE READING]

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Entrepreneurship in India

Entrepreneur is a loaned word which is derived from the French language. It means a person who operates and undertakes a new business enterprise by putting its capital into in it and presumes responsibility, accountability for the inbuilt risks. An entrepreneur puts up its company which is crafted to develop [CONTINUE READING]

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One of the best form of  investment is entrepreneurship. Get into business sell something. It is not difficult, we are just fearful. There are many green areas waiting to be exploited. But the problem with us is that we are always seeing problems instead of opportunities. Be out to meet [CONTINUE READING]

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Creativity and Entrepreneurship

We will commence our assignment with a discussion of sources of new ideas. We will then examine methods of generating ideas, creative problem solving, the product planning and development process, and then e-commerce. We will then generate several new ideas using brain writing, the checklist method, and free association. We [CONTINUE READING]

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Self-made female billionaires worldwide

Meg Whitman, CEO of pioneering online auctioneer eBay Inc., joined the ranks of the 1,011 billionaires in the world. She is the fourth wealthiest woman in California with a net worth of $ 1.3 billion in 2010. However, she is just one among 14 female businesswomen who have built their [CONTINUE READING]

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Greg Mcmahon On “how To Save The Economy”

The majority of the world is stressed out about the economy. And who can blame them? Everywhere you look it’s nothing but doom & gloom, tent cities, lost jobs, foreclosures and soon, maybe even blood in the streets (don’t kid yourself — historically violence and mayhem thrive during times like [CONTINUE READING]

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Women’s Day Is Approaching The Staffs Of Women Entrepreneurs Printing – Print, Women

Group of North Second Print Machinery Plant, Miss Zhang Dongxia HC printing network In recent years, technology continues to evolve as the economy, more and more women entrepreneurs emerged and formed a certain scale women entrepreneurs in the social security and their own efforts, they are changing hands with a [CONTINUE READING]

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Tips To Consider In Choosing The Right Office Cleaning Service

Office cleaning is one of the most important tasks that entrepreneurs need to pay attention. That is why many entrepreneurs in New York City are hiring office cleaning services to help them maintain the cleanliness of their workplace. But because of the long list of office cleaners in the city, [CONTINUE READING]

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The Good Thing About Having A Clean Office

Having a clean and presentable office is what entrepreneurs in New York City want. Because clients are impressed with how entrepreneurs maintain their offices, cleanliness of the office is now considered as a factor on determining how entrepreneurs operate their business. There are actually many benefits of maintaining office and [CONTINUE READING]