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Top Eleven 2011 Trends for Entrepreneurs

As we launch into the new year, here are the top 11 trends that entrepreneurs need to be aware of, think about, and for which we should all prepare: 1.  Economy will still Struggle: This is the biggest question on everyone’s mind. If experts in public relations and marketing were [CONTINUE READING]

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The Negative Organization And Therefore The Internal Entrepreneur

Internal Entrepreneur Organizations with low innovation drives and high self-preservation necessities are terribly unforgiving of what they consider excessive free-lance initiative and entrepreneurial risk taking. The emphasis of such an Organization on team cohesion and conformity produces a negative view individual initiative as a threat to the steadiness of the [CONTINUE READING]

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Buying Vs. Leasing Office Spaces: The Decision-making Factors

At a certain point of their business careers, entrepreneurs will find themselves deciding between leasing and buying their own office spaces. Because of the growth of the global economy, many business entities are expanding both in office spaces and in business reach. That is why office space leasing has been [CONTINUE READING]

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How Virtual Office Space Can Help Your Business

Many emerging businesses in Atlanta and Charlotte are considering the new trend in business operations virtual office spaces. This innovation has been abundantly used by many amateur entrepreneurs who want to expand their business reach for a minimal cost. Since most of them cannot afford to lease big office spaces [CONTINUE READING]

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Tips On Deciding Which Meeting Rooms Suit You

Many things are going on within the business districts of Atlanta meetings every day, hospitality calls for clients, and even business conferences. That is why many entrepreneurs in Atlanta are concerned about how they handle business in spite of its demands. One of the most demanding parts of their day [CONTINUE READING]

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Choosing The Right Office Space Option

With the growth of the global economy, many businesses in Charlotte, North Carolina are gradually expanding both in business reach and offices. Along with economical growth, technology also helps entrepreneurs to adapt to different business alternatives to make them more productive. The innovations these days have made entrepreneurs choose between [CONTINUE READING]

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Obtaining Entrepreneur Training On The Internet

Some skills you cannot teach. These are the intangibles virtues like value, commitment, a good work ethic, trust, faith, and honesty. In business, these are essential. You absolutely have to possess these skills if you even want to consider starting and running a successful business. It does not matter what [CONTINUE READING]

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Why Successful Entrepreneurs Are Action Oriented

Most successful entrepreneurs are inclined to not spend too much time when making business decisions. In every cases their experience has taught them that getting results comes from actually taking action and not by considering the possibilities. In fact spending too much time deliberating over their decisions can actually ‘prevent’ [CONTINUE READING]

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Be An Entrepreneur This Year

Times Are Tough, But Don’t Be A Victim by Michael D. Hume, M.S. There are two types of people: The Entrepreneur, who takes initiative and controls her own destiny, and the Victim, who needs taking care of and acts as though the world is out to get him. In fact, [CONTINUE READING]