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Daily Crunch: SpaceX announces tentative plans to launch first orbital flight next month

To get a roundup of TechCrunch’s biggest and most important stories delivered to your inbox every day at 3 p.m. PDT, subscribe here. Hello and welcome to Daily Crunch for Monday, June 28. How much time did you spend on your phone this weekend? Too much? Not a lot? According [CONTINUE READING]

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Harness Wealth raises $15 million to democratize the power of family offices

Family offices have existed since the 1800s, but they’ve never been so manifold as in recent years. According to a 2019 Global Family Office Report by UBS and Campden Wealth, 68% of the 360 family offices surveyed were founded in 2000 or later. Their rise owes to numerous factors, including [CONTINUE READING]

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Duolingo filed to go public

Duolingo, a Pittsburgh-based language learning business last valued at $2.4 billion, has officially filed to go public. The 400-person company, which we explored in great detail in our EC-1, was co-founded by Luis von Ahn, the inventor of CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA, and Severin Hacker. One of the most revealing bits [CONTINUE READING]

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10 Tips for Nurturing Business Relationships and Marketing a B2B Brand

Relationships are an essential part of building and marketing any business. But they’re especially essential in the B2B sector. From online networking to meeting prospects and partners in person, these tips from members of the online small business community are specifically geared toward B2B brands. Sign Up for a LinkedIn [CONTINUE READING]

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Bret Kinsella of We’re Removing Our Training Wheels From Voice Tech, it Won’t be Long Before we Hit the Velodrone

I’ve been fascinated with voice speakers and voice assistant technologies since getting my first Amazon Echo device in November of 2014.  But I had been using a voice assistant since 2011 with the introduction of Siri on my iPhone.  And with 2021 marking the 10th anniversary of the voice assistant [CONTINUE READING]

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Want to Land a Corporate Client? Attend this Event to Learn How

Landing a corporate client can potentially lead to exponential growth for your small business. Once you get that first big client, it becomes that much easier to convince other businesses, small or large, to take you more seriously. The Win Corporate Clients: The Real Deal 2021 event, presented by The [CONTINUE READING]