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Minea Moore of Salesforce: Businesses Can be in the Business of Doing Good and Driving Inclusion Without Sacrificing Performance

At the end of May Salesforce announced their latest quarterly revenues of $5.96B, estimating they are on track for annual revenues of $26B this fiscal year – adding up to a 22% year-over-year growth.  OK this ends the CNBC segment of this post, but I wanted to point out the [CONTINUE READING]

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In the News: Small Businesses Challenges as Economy Opens Up

Finding qualified employees and adjusting to lower sales are two big challenges small businesses are facing as the economy continues to reopen. This is according to the ADP Small Business@Work Survey. The more than 2,000 small business owners in the survey also said cash flow, the economy, increase in production [CONTINUE READING]

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Tractable raises $60M at a $1B valuation to make damage appraisals using AI

As the insurance industry adjusts to life in the 21st century (heh), an AI startup that has built computer vision tools to enable remote damage appraisals is announcing a significant round of growth funding. Tractable, which works with automotive insurance companies to let users take and submit photos of damaged [CONTINUE READING]

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Amazon deflects responsibility on fake reviews but admits 200M were blocked last year

Amazon admits it has a fake review problem, but does its best to spread the blame around in a new post detailing the issue. After numerous reports for years that the online retail giant is overrun with knock-off products and faked or farmed reviews, the company aims to look as [CONTINUE READING]