It is understandable that as a small business, one of your main concerns is to make sure that you have functional marketing collaterals. Of course, you would not be able to afford the same collaterals as used by Fortune 500 companies.
What you can afford must be as effective as the ads of big companies even if they are cheap custom brochures or cheap business cards. You surely can produce trifold brochures that come with a cost efficient price. The only thing you must make sure is these are as effective as the big budget ones.
Nevertheless, cheap brochures do not have to have cheap results though. Even if you spent only a miniscule amount of what your competition has done, your custom brochures for one can have the same results, if not better, as that of its more costly counterpart. You just have to know how to work your collaterals such as your trifold brochures to get the outcome you need to grow your business.
First things first, you have to treat your cheap custom brochures the way you do with expensive collaterals. This means that you have to maximize your distribution if you want your message conveyed to as many target clients as possible.
Do not be afraid that your collaterals may just become fodder to your target clients’ garbage cans. With cheap collaterals, you will have more than your usual amount for distribution because you can print as many as you want even with a limited budget. With its cheaper costs, you will be able to send out a big number of brochures to your target market. The easier it is to relay your message to your target clients.
Second, if you print cheap then compensate with an excellent design for your trifold brochures. Your target market will see your design first anyway. Even before they can qualify your collaterals as quality material, they would be distracted by your stunning design, enough to make them ignore the poor quality stock and inks used. They will definitely not notice the less-than-ideal material of your collateral if they can be entertained by your design from the very beginning. So if you know that you cannot afford those expensive paper and inks, might as well invest on your design and layout to impress your target audience.
Third, do not stop marketing until you got your last collateral sent to your target clients. Mail them as often as you can, and send them out as quickly as possible. In addition, since they are cheap, you can afford to print batches of your collaterals without thinking about the amount you have to shell out. It takes out the pressure of limiting yourself with the amount of collaterals you should have, as you do not worry about the costs of printing it again and again. You can have as many repeat mails until your target clients recognize and remember you from your message.
You do not have to be embarrassed with your cheap marketing tools. Even with their cost-efficient price, it does not mean that they can have fewer results. They can work as well with the more expensive print jobs. You just have to determine how you work them well so they can give you better results for your business.
Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of the developments in custom brochures or trifold brochures.