Creating Better Feeling Interpretations Can Create the Love of Your Life Or Fortune and Fame

Have you ever said to yourself after a period of being unhappy, ‘this is unacceptable to me, I’m not going be unhappy any longer, I am going to be happy right now’ and that was it. You just gave up being unhappy about whatever it was you were allowed to make you feel unhappy. You can do that, you know. The idea that something outside of you has control over your feelings is an unfortunate assumption we were learned early on.

We each have an amazing organic system providing us a body to play in this garden of paradise in anyway we wish. Our body is reading the environment non stop at rates too unfathomable to imagine sending signals to the brain to manage our existence. When we change our view of things, when we evoke a new context, a better context of any event or circumstance or situation in our life, it alters the core of all the interpretations being made. You can improve your self esteem.

Here is a way of seeing that. In a finite universe there is one center point. In an infinite universe every point is the center point. We observe in an infinite universe making you the observer, the center point. When you change your perception of anything you change everything and everything conforms to your thinking. Things become as you think. Now it may not appear to you that it is that way but that simply proves the rule. It doesn’t appear to have changed because that is how you think it.

If you say ‘everyday an increasing number of people are evidenced as enjoying my company’ or ‘if you say things are getting better for me more with every day’ or ‘everyday in every way my life is more joyful’, you will eventually alter the context of everything in your experience.

To speed that inevitable process you simply need only give recognition of the new reality by looking for small pieces of evidence for the claim. That is all you need to do. Everyday as often as you like, look for and give credence to any evidence you can find to validate your view.

Do you like some one you think you have a reasonable shot at finding mutual relationship with? Are there people you think would buy what you are selling? Do you have a physical condition you believe could change for the better? You can create anything you can change you beliefs about. You can create new beliefs and have them be supported by every point In the universe for which you are the center.

Do you have a negative opinion of someone you wish you could trade for a better one? ‘Johnny Window is the biggest cheapskate I know’. How about this one, ‘Johnny Window really fooled me, he really cares about people and I never knew how generous a guy he is’, ‘he’s a great salesman’.

How about ‘I am more willing than ever to see people in the best of light’, ‘people I know are simply wonderful’.

You, by virtue of being the center of your universe are the creator of every view of how it is and how it is not. Isn’t that wonderful? It’s like this day forward and everyday is the first day of creating the rest of your life. Where have I heard that before?

You can even watch the circumstance and situations change right before your eyes. ‘I’m getting really good at this’. ‘I’m becoming a master at this’. Want more, learn more about the law of attraction, you will be amazed at how good things can get.

Leon Michael Cautillo, Author/Instructor