DM500S’ Operating System with a Picture View Function—Gemini 4.3.1

You should know something about DM500 satellite receiver if you are a fan of satellite receiver. DM500S is famous for its powerful network function. DM500S’ operating system is based on LINUX, an open source multi-task operating system. Among the numerous versions of DM500S operating system, the Gemini which developed by Gemini Project team is the most popular one. Gemini has the support of Dream Multimedia and it also has the delicate menu and interface. Despite the advantages above, Gemini also develops its version very frequently. Gemini also has a lot of plug-ins with all kinds of functions. Now let’s talk something about Gemini’s most extraordinary function—picture viewing.   Gemini 4.3.1 has the function of viewing pictures on hard disk. Able to view pictures is the distinguishing feature that makes Gemini different. Since Dream Multimedia doesn’t release the drive software that can use to view picture, there’s only Gemini has this function. This function was developed when the 4.0 version was released, however, it doesn’t fit DM500S. In the version 4.3.1, there is a PicViewer 1.6 plug-in, that makes it suit for DM500S. Gemini 4.3.1 can view the BMP, GIF, JPG (JPG is equal to JPEG, it was set since the files in DOS system could have only has three letters for its suffix), PNG pictures on net hard disk. When you are under the picture category, choose a picture then push the OK button. Now you see the picture. If you push the Menu button, you can get into the Slide Viewer 1.6 setting interface and change the settings. The settings are about the timeout and definition of the pictures. DM500S’s highest picture definition is 1920 wide and 1080 long because its STB02500 chip cannot deal with larger pictures.   It is very interesting that if we use the Gemini 4.1.0 and Gemini 4.2.0 version to view the picture, we can see two same pictures! When we are under the viewing model, just push the blue button to start slide model. You can turn to next picture using the Ch+ and the former Ch-. The direction key can used to change the direction of the picture. When you want the picture to be its original status, just push the 0 button. DM500S doesn’t have a perfect software configuration, so it takes a little time to display the picture when you are operating on it. You can also view the EXIF information of pictures, this function is very useful when you are viewing pictures shot by digital cameras.

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