EBooks, Blogs, Articles – Seven Easy Methods to Write Material

Having trouble writing your blogs or articles? Feel you would like to keep your blog more up to date? Getting that guilty feeling because you’re not updating your blog on a regular basis, or submitting articles regularly? Would you like to create more products faster?

The following are seven easy methods to write blogs and/or articles.

1. Have a teleconference and get it transcribed. When you receive the transcription back, it is usually a Word document. Remove the introduction and ending. Then remove the names if they are used, i.e., your name and the interviewer’s name.

Block off about 300-500 words. What you want is to take one of the subjects you spoke about, cut, and paste it as your new blog or article. Usually you’ll find that you have written your blog or article while speaking on the teleconference. As a rule, for a one-hour teleconference, you will probably get at least three, possibly more, blogs and/or articles.

P.S. You can have a teleconference even if no one else is on the line.

2. Carry a digital recorder with you. Digital recorders weigh only 3-5 ounces, and are about 4″ x 1 1/2″ (or smaller) in size. They fit very nicely in a shirt or pants pocket or the purse. As you have ideas about blogs or articles, start recording, get it transcribed and you have your blog or article.

3. While having lunch, dinner or a meeting with friends, I bet you often start talking about things that would make good blog or article subjects. If you have your handy, dandy recorder with you, you can zip it out and record your conversation, get it transcribed and there is another entry for you.

If you feel uncomfortable bringing out the recorder to record the conversation, as soon as you leave their company, record your entry from what you remember about the discussion.

4. Put it on your schedule to spend 5-7 minutes every morning recording your blog and/or an article. Since we speak at about 150 to 160 words per minute, you will easily be able to record 750 words in 5 minutes.

5. Keep the ever-handy 3×5 cards or post-it notes available, and as you’re surfing on the internet, jot down ideas that would make good subjects, and then out comes that “handy dandy” recorder again, ready to zip off that blog or article entry in 5-10 minutes.

6. As you’re driving to and from meetings, keep your recorder handy. While I don’t recommend driving and recording, you could have it ready to quickly record ideas as they occur to you. On a recent 60-mile round trip, all kinds of ideas popped into my head as I was driving, which I was able to capture on my “handy dandy” recorder.

However, if you are a passenger, you could use this method to record the blog or article. And of course don’t forget those instances when you’re on a plane.

7. Your cell phone can also be a good device to record your blogs or articles. If you subscribe to a service that allows you to record using your telephone, you can use your cell phone to record your project.

Using any one of these methods will soon get you into the habit of dictating your blogs and articles. Send your recordings to your favorite transcription service and you will have a regular flow of material for not only blogs and articles, but also other profitable information products. This will alleviate those guilt feelings.

Don’t forget the above works for podcasts as well.

Let me know some easy methods you have found to write blogs, articles, or increase the array of profitable products you offer.

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