Facebook is a website with over 500 million users and counting. This social media giant has changed the rules and is looking to put Google in the back seat for the first time since it became the bad boy of the Internet. Facebook may be a better place to advertise your business because people stay on their Facebook account for long periods of time and therefore are more prone to pay attention to the ads, especially if they see them over and over again.
Web 2.0 has been a fast evolution and Facebook is at the forefront of every trend. If you are thinking about using Google to advertise your business, it may be an okay idea but in my opinion Facebook advertising is where it’s at.
If you have a Facebook account, think about the time that you spend on the site. Think about the ads and how they are relevant to your interests. Your Facebook page does not have the same ads as your friends facebook page because you have different interests. Facebook knows a lot about what you like and it is more than willing to serve up exactly what you want on the Facebook baby blue platter.
If you are seriously considering using a paid advertising method to get the word out about your business, I would consider Facebook as a definite option. Don’t worry if you do not know how to advertise using the Facebook platform, because there are plenty of resources out there that will show you step-by-step what you need to do. After all, Facebook is the finding the Internet in 2011.
The targeted nature of Facebook ads, combined with the fact that Facebook users are stuck to the site on average of one hour per day means this advertising resource cannot be overlooked. If you want to advertise your business effectively, you have to go where the people are. You have to talk to people on their terms in the places that they like. If you are willing to do this and you think about an effective strategy to monetize the traffic is coming from this powerful resource, it can change your business forever.
Chris Curtis – Network Marketing Professional – Internet Marketing Expert
http://gb-g.com/yourls/5 – Learn how to effectively advertise your business on Facebook…