Following An Established Model Of Success

For many years economic development experts and VC’s in the venture industry have relied on the highly successful Venture Capital Conference model for their deal flow, and to accelerate the commercialization of startup companies. This is a model that occurs at various times throughout a year. Currently, these events are spread throughout the United States and the globe. Venture Capital Conferences are a great first step in pushing entrepreneurs through tier two and into tier one status. In addition to venture conferences, there are entrepreneur seminars and workshops on fundraising, business planning and entrepreneurial development the aspiring startups should attend.

Venture Capital and Your Opportunity for High Tech Business Development. The goal of Venture Capital Conferences are to get high technology companies funded. This is accomplished through four steps, and programs designed to support them. All the steps involve the venture community.

First, is the finding and selecting of companies with promise. This is accomplished through:Networking;Special events;Use of proprietary technology to give meaningful feedback to entrepreneurs;Targeting relevant service professionals and investors; and byIntegrating the venture community into the deal flow generation and selection Second, is training companies in the Silicon Valley capital raising process. This is accomplished by providing to the Entrepreneur specific knowledge and experience in the art and science of raising equity capital. This knowledge and experience is transferred to the Entrepreneur by the process of Directed Mentoring. This is mentoring with singularity of purpose orchestrated by the Institute, using Deal Makers, and Investors and members of its Cooperative Venturing Network®.

Third, is the creation of a network with access to capital. In order for the vast majority of entrepreneurs to reach investors, the Entrepreneur needs a quality introduction. Service professionals, other successful entrepreneurs, and local investors can provide that introduction if they believe the Entrepreneur can demonstrate their company has promise. It is the organization and use of these individuals in a systematic way that affords those introductions. The Wayne Brown Institute has created its Cooperative Venturing Network®, a network of venture industry service professionals representing different firms, reaching from New York to Hawaii. The Institute can mentor in every State in the U.S.A., and even internationally. As a member of the Cooperative Venturing Network®, you are integrated into the Institute’s national venture accelerator.

Fourth, delivering opportunities to meet with, and find investors. Selection and training are the most valuable features of a venture capital conference for the entrepreneur and the service professional. In reality, venture capitalists only review business plans referred by credible service professionals, and credible service professionals only introduce Entrepreneur’s business plans that are credible. Venture capital conferences provides special events and programs in a controlled environment where these direct introductions between entrepreneur, service professional, and investor occur.

Bradley B. Bertoch is a leader in equity backed business development, and entrepreneurship. Under his direction, companies participating in Institute programs have raised almost $2 billion in private equity and created or retained over 35,000 high tech jobs throughout the United States. Read more about The Wayne Brown Institute.