Having a ‘Fortune Teller’ Helps Children With Learning Disabilities and Challenges

Everyone finds comfort in knowing what the future brings. All children benefit from knowing what to expect and having time to adjust and prepare themselves for change. Children with learning disabilities like ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Down Syndrome etc. have proven to be calmer and much easier to get along with when they know what to expect almost all of the time. In fact, all children are and probably most adults. Their needs are just more predominant. It takes very little to throw off the delicate balance. These children have academic challenges, emotional challenges, in many cases self-esteem issues and many of them are highly intelligent and gifted on another level. In fact it has be proven that the two go hand in hand.

All children benefit tremendously from having a ‘Fortune Teller’, in fact most adults do, as well. Structure and a ‘heads up’ about what is coming create a great sense of security. In many cases parents are unaware of how little it takes to rock their child’s world, even if it is momentarily. The lashing out and aftermath is emotionally trying.

Each day can be a struggle just trying to get through daily tasks like getting up in the morning, brushing teeth, getting dressed, packing their lunch and making it out to the school bus. Internally these children feel out of control and it takes draining internal resources for them to be self-contained. Usually, by the time they get home from school they are emotionally drained and in some cases ready to blow! It helps to take them by the hand and walk them through the rest of their day so they can relax and unwind at their own pace.

Having experience helps…

Sometimes professionals make mistakes and miss things. My advice to any parent is to follow your gut instincts. No one knows your child the way that you do. Teachers, family and dear friends are still outsiders looking in at only snippets of the whole picture. Other things motivate these people at times. They have their own baggage. Pursue and do not desist even in the face of animosity! Let your heart guide you as it is your child. Let no diploma or title shake you. Follow your instincts, even in the face of great adversity. Time tells all eventually.

It is important to get your child involved in programs that can boost him/her up in weak areas, but just as important to get them involved in things that they are great at. Find the sport, drama, art etc. where they can express their true talents and greatness. A good old shot in the arm of self esteem and accomplishment goes a long way! We can’t be good at everything and this is a concept that a child can accept. Feeling like we are bad at everything and can’t do anything right is something that no one should have to accept. Life is all about tipping the scales in our child’s favor.

Most of us receive support and advice from our family, friends, Pastor, Rabbi, Priest etc… if we are lucky. We are limited, in most cases, to these 5-10 people’s advice and life experience.

Structure and motivation will help your child have a happy family and school life. It is important to eliminate a lot of the frustration, nagging, arguing and melt-downs. Children thrive on having a ‘fortune teller’. They need their parents to be calm and in control.

Out of control is what they feel much of the time inside. When there is an external spin off, in many cases due their behavior, it is frightening for them and just another thing to feel bad about.Couples fight when their home is out of control. It is frustrating when you come home to a mine-field and everyone is arguing. It is very difficult to find a middle ground that you agree on when educating and disciplining children. It disrupts the best of relationships.

Consistency and commitment the keys to success…

“I Can Do It” does require a consistent commitment from parents, but the pay-off is amazing! Life can be better and even great! But you have to make the time. If you think about the amount of time that you spend with professionals, teachers, reading books, attending parenting seminars and arguing,- the I Can Do It time factor will be a walk in the park! For more info go to http://www.icandoitlifeskills.com.