Sheldon Adelson, American Billionaire businessman and CEO of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, grew up as son of taxi driver in a rough part of Boston. He worked at a young age selling newspapers on street corners and owned his first business at a young 12 years of age. Once rated as one of the best Finance Ministers in the world and often called the best finance minister that this country has ever had, Minister Trevor Manuel said that unlocking entrepreneurship and improving the skills in the economy would lead to more people starting their own businesses and contributing to higher economic growth. Minister Manuel also said that entrepreneurship levels and skills in South Africa were low. This statement was made in 2005.
The fact that entrepreneurship has much more to do with the systems and specific skills sets of individuals complicates the education of future entrepreneurs and this places a great burden on the old fashioned educational systems in South Africa. Besides some down sides, can South Africans become world leaders in entrepreneurship, through Entinology?
In terms of labour segments in South Africa it is notable that there seems to be a trend that supports the theory of Entinology promoting the use of the Internet as a platform for entrepreneurship, with the labour force split amongst the following main categories. – Agriculture occupations 9% – Industry occupations 26% – Services occupations 65%
An interesting fact is that 67,3% of business owners indicated that unemployment was the main reason they started their own businesses. Only a tiny 2,6% said they started an own business for the high income. South Africa had an official unemployment rate of 23,5% in 2005, therefore with 67,3% of business owners stating that unemployment was there key motivator for starting their business, that the potential for South Africa to explode entrepreneurship is very good, given the right political environment. Despite having amongst the most expensive telecommunications costs in the world, there is one place where the playing field can be regarded as a platform where size and bank accounts do not count. The Internet!
In Entinology, the study of entrepreneurship on the internet, one of the key factors to entrepreneurial success is low risk and high return. A complete contradiction to what people across the world are being taught. You need money to make money simply doesn’t apply to the Internet. A further benefit that the Internet offers is worldwide coverage to more than a quarter of the world’s population. Still the Internet hasn’t exploded in South Africa yet, meaning that it is untouched in so many ways.
Educating people in business and finance management, simply equip existing entrepreneurs to improve their chances of success, however the real science of entrepreneurship which is required for wealth creation, runs much deeper. The systems that entrepreneurs use and their psychological profiles are what make them truly successful. No amount of money or university degrees can teach an entrepreneur to be successful. It is learning and applying the systems of entrepreneurship that does.
South Africans have a choice. Do they wish to stand with 77% of battling employees or beg with 23% of unemployed people in the country, or do they want to be wealthy leaders of the entrepreneurial world. It simply takes action and making the decision to make this dream a reality. The choice is in your hands, simply learn the systems that you require, the Internet is filled with these skills and knowledge, a true gold mine of information. Just take the decision and stick to the systems.