One pound of fat contains almost 3,500 calories, so if you just work out and cut back 3,500 calories you are sure to lose a pound of fat. It is possible to reduce on the calorie intake & have an extended exercise regimen to burn off the excess calories. Doctors have always suggested that one should not lose over 2 pounds of weight per week in order to make sure your body slowly adjusts itself to the weight loss. Here are a few tips that will help you make sure that you drop 3,500 calories from your regular day to day routine.
1hr of slow pace running or brisk walk can help you burn approx 350 calories depending on the type of body one has, pace they pick up while running & the type of terrain. So if you make up 1hr running for 5days a week by maintaining a proper consistent diet, you can safely cut down on the extra calories troubling you.
It is very much important to understand many people who start their exercise by running or walking tend to eat junk food like pasta or the other foods which contain high amount of carbohydrates in a way to compensate for the exertion.
They seldom think that as they work out hard its nice to treat themselves whit some junk food every now & then which is really not in favor of good health/losing weight. They often end up consoling themselves that pasta will always help them to keep up their energy levels.
In this case what they do not realize is that they are justified in the thoughts that carbohydrates will help their work out routine with more energy but they are really not setting up their bodies to lose calories/weight.
Always remember when want to burn 350 calories but your intake is more than 450 calories over a high carbonate plate of pasta, you are just adding excess calories into your body than you otherwise would have.
Running helps to tone up your body muscles & increase the metabolic rate of your body so that it inturn helps your body burn more calories than usual.
It is better not to step into an eat out because you tend to subject yourself to an array of high fat, high calorie foods which simply tempts you to eat a larger meal than your normal one. Therefore, it would be way simple 500 calorie meal can easily turn out to be 1500 calorie meal at the end of the day. So avoid such circumstances and keep your meal more simple rather than ending up having a high calorie diet.
It is always essential for you to know what your putting into your body especially in the start of a new routine. Its a must that you prepare you meals and monitor your hunger levels. By reducing the overall calorie intake & increasing your everyday physical activities you will be able to shed down those unwanted 3,500 calories without much trouble.
Always important to stay focused & motivated in what your doing then it would be rather easy to shed down the extra pounds & look more appealing & charming than ever!
Jake Sully has been writing articles on health and fitness for over two years now. Also check out his blog on Danskin Yoga Pants and Hardtail Yoga Pants which helps you find the best yoga pants for your workout.