How to Make Money Online – 7 Ways to Get Joint Venture Partners

Having joint venture partners is one of the best ways to have a successful internet marketing business…one of the best ways how to make money online. Here are my tips on 7 ways to get joint venture partners.

# 1: Go to Live Events

This is huge. People respond to you in person. It is easier to develop a relationship, build some trust, when you meet someone face-to-face.

Live events happen all around the country (and world) and some are expensive and others are really cheap. You don’t have to go to every event…I will show up for maybe 5 or 6 in a row and then none for a year…it depends on your budget and schedule…but get out and make connections.

#2: Pick up the Phone

People are surprisingly easy to reach by phone. Often their web sites will have a phone number. Most businesses…nine times out of ten…they love to hear from customers and are really easy to reach.

#3: Send a Letter

Send a card, a note, a letter… maybe send it FedEx…nobody throws away a FedEx package unopened!

Let them know who you are and what you want to do. Then see if you can talk to them on the phone about the idea.

#4: Buy Their Stuff

Get on their radar by being their customer. It it’s really important that you get their attention buy their most expensive product. It is no guarantee that you’ll be able to work with them, but believe me, they will at least read your email or a note from you.

Don’t be short-sighted about this–consider it an investment!. It may cost you some money up-front, but if they end up promoting for you, and you stand to make a lot more from that, then it was a good investment.

#5: Make Them Money

Promote their stuff and make sales. That will get their attention. Build your list first, get traffic to your site, then promote…one at a time…stuff from all the people you want to work with. Join their affiliate programs and make them money. It is human nature to want to help people who help you…so help them first!

#6: Leapfrog

In any niche there are A players. Below that there are B players, then the C players. The A players are the ones with the biggest, most responsive lists…and they are going to be the toughest to reach. So start off with the C players.

Have some successes with the C players and then you will get an introduction to some B players. Have some successes there and then get introduced to the A players…have some successes there and now YOU are an A player!

#7: Grow Your Own

Gather your own group of friends…people you enjoy working with and talking with. Maybe there are 4 or 5 of you…help each other out. Promote for each other.

Even if you start off small, if you can start passing traffic back and forth, start passing leads, sales, commission, you start to build your own network…a group of people who are saying good things about you.

Use as many of these ways to get joint venture partners as you can. This is not a case where you have to choose just one method. Not that you want to try them all at once! The idea is…if you want to know how to make money online…be creative and meet people…work together and you can grow your business and everyone can have success!

The ListBuilding Club is the premier source of list building information for home based internet marketing businesses. Join Tellman and the Overcome Everything team as they teach thousands of people about list building and how to make money online with joint ventures and other tips and tools. To learn more about the ListBuilding Club, please visit