How To Setup Google Apps Free Edition With Your Web Host?

Web hosts usually restrict its users on using the web space with a specific limitation like 100 MB, 500 MB, 1 GB, 10 GB, etc, from setting up an email address with unlimited web space (more than 5 GB). Google, the most popular search and online advertising giant player, has resolved this problem by offering 25 GB of web space to each email account via Google Apps.

Google Apps is accompanied with 5 major editions applicable for different kinds of organisations, namely, Google Apps Premier Edition, Google Apps Education Edition, Google Apps Government Edition, Google Apps Non-Profit Edition and Google Apps Standard Edition, amongst which the Google Apps Standard Apps Edition is quite well-known for its features free of charge. These are User Accounts (you can create a maximum of 50 User Accounts for your own domain name, and can avail more than 7 GB of storage space for each user), Google Calendar (for organising your business schedules and sharing them with other users), Google Sites (creating websites and sharing wikis with your group) and Google Docs (to store your documents, spreadsheets, etc within your organisation).

In order to set up Google Apps Free Edition with your Web Host, you would first need to register a domain name and host your website. You have the option to buy a domain name from Google during the setting up of Apps. Login into to go to the Google Apps. You will see a tab Apps Edition, click on Standard option. This will take you to the Getting Started page of Google Apps Standard Edition, showing you all the features listed. Click on Get Started button and continue with the setup. Fill in the details of your organisation, including the domain name. If you are signing up with the Apps, you must select Administrator button. Then fill in your personal details in the form given. Once done, its time to set up your first Google Apps Standard Edition user account, which will be the primary administrator for your organisation. Fill in the details and continue. Now you are through with the setting up of your Google Apps. Before you continue to use the fatures, you must check that you own the domain name as entered. You can do this by either of the options provided by Google. These are Authentication by DNC, Authentication by HTML and Authentication by a File Upload. The last option is the simplest one, by just uploading a file onto your server. When you select this option, you will be provided with a file to be uploaded to the root directory of your server. Then click Verify button and you are done.

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