Any workplace should ensure that its workers are in the safest position to be carrying out their work; this can be through health and safety training, making sure that the machinery is working effectively or just checking that everyone knows exactly what they are doing. This is because any workers, especially manual workers can contract all sorts of ailments if they are not doing their job in the correct way; one of the more peculiar of these ailments is a disease called Vibration White Finger, which a Manchester worker has recently contracted through improper use of his machinery.
The employee, who was a HGV pipe liner at a local factory had been using vibratory equipment for over twenty years before the onset of Vibratory White Finger became clear in his hands; his job led to him crawling underground for long stretches of time, connecting pipes with foam, then chopping the tops off manholes and suchlike with vibratory equipment such as chain-saws, grinders and precision drills.
The pipe liner first noticed a tingling sensation in his hands around ten years before he actually made the claim and noticed that his right hand was affected more, with a numbness and a certain lack of feeling. He stated that he initially thought that the problems were due to bad circulation, until he saw an advert on television which advised miners about the Vibration White Finger Compensation Scheme and realised that the problems that the was suffering with his hands could be work related.
He contacted a Manchester employment solicitor for some legal advice and it was then that the employment lawyer discovered that he had never been given any official warning about Vibration White Finger by his employers, or any safety equipment or preventative measures against such an illness.
The disease has meant that the worker has lost some grip and strength in his forearms, making it much more difficult to do his job, particularly in wet conditions; his employers had a duty of care to ensure that such an incident did not take place, a duty that they did not honour.
If you have suffered an illness or injury because of the negligence of your employers then you should contact a Manchester employment solicitor today for some excellent legal advice, with the option of pursuing a case against your company or employers to see if you can claim the compensation that you deserve.
David Harfield writes about legal advice. If you are looking for an employment solicitor in Manchester then makes it easy to compare employment solicitors in Manchester.