MLM Training – The $500 Threshold

MLM Success basically boils down to solving one key problem – Retention. To be successful you need to divide your attention between two key areas which are Recruiting and Retention. Most of the information available regarding building a network marketing business is focused on recruiting and rightly so since recruiting must come first. But all the recruiting in the world is pointless if you can’t retain the people you are recruiting.


So here it is. Here’s the secret to retention and key to long term network marketing success. You need to ensure that every single person you recruit gets over the $ 500 income threshold as quickly as possible. Why is $ 500 the magic number? It breaks down roughly like this. You need around $ 100-150 to pay for some combination of distributor fees and minimum product from your network marketing company each month. You will need $ 25-50 to pay for at least a basic autoresponder. Some will include a marketing system or contact manager which both are very helpful. You should allocate $ 100-200 towards some form of advertising. This leaves between $ 100-200 to spare which can either be your spending money or put back into your advertising account to generate more leads and faster growth.


It would be very unusual for someone to quit a business that is profitable. Especially one like network marketing that does not consume a lot of time and energy. One of the reasons that some network marketers and network marketing companies have such a problem with attrition is that they encourage (or force!) their new distributors to buy a lot of product when they first sign up. This can work but it makes it that much more difficult for a new recruit to get to the breakeven point. The key to retaining people in your network marketing business is getting them above that breakeven point as quickly as possible.


So now the question becomes – how do I get my new members over the $ 500 threshold? That is also an easy answer – with a good MLM Training program. It is quite difficult to earn huge commission cheques but it is quite easy to get over the $ 500 threshold. A new member only needs to learn the basics from a good MLM Training course and put a little effort into applying what they have learned. It’s not always easy to find a good MLM Training course though, so your job as a mentor and recruiter is to make sure that your new members receive quality MLM Training. Either you can create your own MLM Training courses or you can find someone who has already developed an MLM Training program and direct your new members to them. If your new members can avoid all of the traps and misinformation floating around, they will have no problem getting over that $ 500 threshold.


Your MLM Training course should contain the following components. It should provide detailed step-by-step instructions that actually show you how to market your business and advertise effectively. Your MLM Training courses should also be available online so your group can have access when it’s convenient for them. Finally your MLM Training program should focus on the essential areas that are proven to get results.


By making sure that each and every person you recruit gets over that $ 500 threshold as quickly as possible, you guarantee a high retention rate for your business. This will lead to a very large organization and a great long term income.

Joel Broughton is a Full Time Internet Marketer and Home Business Mentor. To learn more about How to Start a Business you can visit his Resource website at: MLM Training