Reducing Tax on Investments: Minimising Capital Gains Tax

Capital gains tax (CGT) is payable on the sale not only of stocks and shares, but also far from household goods and personal effects up to a value of £ 6,000 and private vehicles. Subject to certain exceptions, you do not have to pay CGT on any gain you make when you sell your house. Also, on the other hand, it can done on the road against profits elsewhere.

Capital gains with capital losses are in the same tax year and accounting for thisthere is an annual exemption, currently £ 7,500. As a result, few people pay CGT.

If the result of transactions, which is one year before the annual exemption, a loss, it can be done to us in the following years. The annual exemption can not be transferred, but gains are applied for a year before a loss brought forward which, if not used, can be transmitted.

The following investments are exempt from CGT:

gilt edged stock
Corporate bondLoans and equity
Friendly Society Savings Plans
ISAs and PEPs
Company share option schemes
Investment companies and venture capital trusts
Commercial forestry

As for taxes on income, investments, capital gains are exempt, have good investments in their own right. A gain is taxed at better than no profit at all.

Indexation and taper relief

For purchases prior to April 1998, the costs can be indexed, that set by the cumulativeInflation (RPI) between purchase and April 1998. However, the index can not exceed the break, ie it can not be used in order to be taken to create a loss.

If you shares before the 6th April 1998, it is a good idea to compute the indexed cost of acquisition as it will not change. This can be done by the CW indexation allowances for April 1998 in Inland Revenue leaflet CGT1, which can be obtained from your local tax office.

From April 1998 the indexation was replaced by taperRelief, which is based on the length of the property. It only applies to shares held for at least three full years, although an additional year to the total for the stock on 17 March 1998 is added to the property.

The share of the profits at the expense reduced to 95% on the third full year and a further 5% for each subsequent year, at a minimum of 60% complete after ten years.

For example, if you bought shares would, in August 1996 and sold it in June 2001, the taxable profits are calculated,follows:

The initial cost would be until 5 April 1998 in accordance with the CW indexation allowance increased for the period to give the indexed purchase price.
The excess of the selling value of the indexed cost is the taxable gain before taper relief.
Although the stock here only for two full years, since April 1998 instead, as the shares on 17 March 1998 for another year added style, allowing a total of three years, then taper relief reduces the chargeable gain by 95%

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