The union of three rivers, Ganga, Brahmaputra and Meghna, has given India the gift called ‘Sunderbans Delta’, covering an area of 38,500 sq km. An inseparable part of wildlife tours india and home to the Sunderbans national park, this Indian heritage tours destination has also been classified as the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Comprising of 54 islands, swamplands, and a complex network of streams and canals, this 2,585-sq km park is also the world’s most prominent estuarial mangrove forest.
In today’s day and age, deforestation has become a trite and obvious remark when we talk of environment and its preservation. But it has affected Sunderbans, and the mangrove cover, no less, is on a downward path. The region has been analyzed and loved for ages for its mangrove forests, which are more often than not made up of a thick undergrowth of Ceriops, almost indecipherable with a visual range of just a couple of meters. The salty waters along the coastal regions are generally conducive for mangrove plantation but massive deforestation is posing a threat to number of species in the delta region, which in turn is affecting tour packages like ‘wildlife tours India’.
Without a trace of doubt, the most dramatic and stunning geographical region of West Bengal is the Sunderbans forest reserve, also a part of indian heritage tours. Although, the Sunderbans is abode of the most extensive population of tigers in the world especially the royal Bengal tiger, but the tiger sighting are slowly becoming a rare, but once you get to see one, the feeling is memorable and unforgettable. With around 200 tigers in the region, Sunderbans has become a prominent tourist destination on India wildlife tour. But more needs to be done to increase the dwindling tiger population and if we are serious about saving both the tigers and the mangrove forest cover, then eco tourism, reforestation and awareness drives are the way forward.
Enjoy your adventure tours india with Mr. V. V. Krishana who is also a passionate travel writer & pens articles about indian heritage tours. He has travelled extensively throughout India & his travel accounts and advices are priceless.