The 10 Most Important Factors For Choosing The Right Products For Your New Online Venture
When you first start your online business, the most important question to ponder is,what to sell? How you determine this is probably the most crucial action of your new start up. I will attempt to simplify this process for you with some sound advice in this article.It is my goal to help you solidify the foundation to your new start up.Let this list guide you to success by saving you time and money by starting on the right foot with the right product!
1) Is there truly a need for this product?Is there enough demand to make your venture profitable or are you just emotionally attached to it? (ask your wife/husband)(lol)!
2) Can I provide this product for an affordable price?(especially now a days)
3) What is a comparable product that I can research and use as a reference point?
4) How does the test product function compared to mine?
5) Be honest with yourself when comparing your proposed product to the test product.
6) How do the test products’ features compare to mine?(again be fair in your comparisons)
7) Who is selling the similar product?
8) Do I have to be in competition with large online companies?
9) Check out where there websites rank with Google including their keywords (article coming soon)
10)How frequently is this product searched for and can you become the best source for it?
In conclusion what I am asking you to do is about both checking out the product and checking out the competition!
Simply put, How heavy is the demand and the competition for this product? If you have a special interest in a certain product,
great, but don’t limit yourself to only items you like. Assure yourself that there is indeed a demand (enough to make it
profitable),without heavy competition. One way to see what the demand is for products you are interested in is to look at
search engines to see how frequently people search for the product you are considering.
I hope this helps to lay the foundation for your money making concept and remember if you don’t
apply these concepts and you start with the wrong product, you will
just keep throwing money at it, instead of it throwing money at you! use this link for a private behind the scenes private tour of The Millionaires Society Mack actually almost 5 Mill in18 Months! Watch and learn for free!
About the Author
Wade Allen, Online Earning Enthusiast, dedicated to offering diverse income generating opportunity for like minded people. If you want to make money online here are a bunch of at home,online money making concepts don’t be afraid to click and watch there presentations it is free to look and you might just learn a few tricks and even pick a winner!
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