Starting from the basics, Forex stands for foreign exchange; and in an abbreviation form, it is also termed as FX. So if you see FX somewhere, do not get surprised or worried because that is Forex in short for you.
In the business of foreign exchange trading, you buy on one hand and simultaneously you are selling on the other. If you look at it, you are not actually buying or selling but exchanging the money itself that is available in different values in different countries. So, to make it simpler, as a profit, your earnings would be the margin difference of the value of the currency. In foreign exchange trading, you exchange the sold currency for the one you buy. The foreign exchange market is an over-the-counter market.
Now you should understand the process of foreign exchange trading in a bit more detailed way. Currencies that you trade are always available in pairs, for example Euro-US Dollar (EUR/USD) or US Dollar / Japanese Yen (USD/JPY). This is a bit different from stocks or futures. Unlike them, there’s no centralized exchange for Forex and hence, you are not always a part of the same system. The transaction would happen mostly through phone or electronic network.
The important question now is who would trade currencies, and what the purpose behind it is. As a matter of fact, daily turnover in the world’s currencies comes from two sources:
1. Foreign trade (5%). Though a small market, this form of foreign exchange trading involves companies who buy and sell products in foreign countries and then convert profits from foreign sales into domestic currency.
Speculation for profit (95%): this is the bigger market and most of the business done is in this module. Most foreign exchange trading traders focus on the biggest, most liquid currency pairs. This is where the term “The Majors” come into picture which is US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar. More than 85% of daily Foreign Exchange Trading happens amongst the major currency pairs.
The Author is a professional writer, presently writing for Forex Currency Trading Systems and Mutual Fund Investing.