There are numerous ways to promote your blog and receive traffic Some work well, some don’t. I will give you my top ways to promote your blog and receive your first 500 visitors in this article.
First ask yourself why do you want traffic?
Why do you want traffic to come to your blog? Are you selling your own product or promoting someone else’s product as an affiliate?
The best way to get traffic to your blog is to give visitors free high quality content that they can use straight away. When you give visitors high quality information and content that they can use right away and see results they will always remember you and more importantly they will keep in mind where they found the information on your blog.
Quality Content Is King!!
To draw attention of the prospects to your blog, you need to give them a reason to come to your blog in the first place.
This reason needs to improve their lives, so when they leave your blog they have learnt something that makes their lives better and increases their chances of success.
When you write content for your blog, spend that bit of additional time on it, put more quality into your posts than other people do, this will give your posts a higher chance of being read to the end and also your blog having more traffic from your posts. When you start writing quality content, other blogs in your chosen niche will link to you and this will increase the amount of traffic to your blog.
Always aim to put 10 times more quality into your posts then other blogs do in their posts. You don’t want to be as good as your competitor, you want to be 10 times better, you want your blog to be the blog where prospects come to. The only way you will separate yourself from other blogs is to put that something special into your posts.
Make sure your posts are original, well researched, constructed properly and well written.
Blog Design And layout.
There is no point in having quality content if your blogs design and layout is nonsense.
So what if you get 1000 visitors to your blog, they could will leave after one visit and never come back because your blog design and layout was really poor and unfriendly. Navigating a blog should be a process, your prospect should be able to navigate your blog with ease and know what the next step is, they should not have guess what to do next. Always give your visitors a “map” of where to go next in your blog, make it really easy for your prospects to find what they are looking for. When they have read one post what is the next step? Is the next step another post or is the next step buying a product? At the end of one post show them where to go next, keep the momentum going, keep your prospects on your blog for a bit longer.
You should always keep your blog layout simple but give your blog layout tons of impact. I see so many blogs trying to cram to much into their blog layouts which always confuses prospects (information overload) and they leave in search of another blog that will give them the answers that are looking for.
Here is a formula that you should use for your blog.
Good looking theme:
Choose a theme that has a strong impact and that is easy on the eye. Choose a theme that is simple to navigate so prospects can find what they are looking for. If you really want to give your blog impact, hire someone to design your theme for you. Tell them what you want your blog theme to look like and they will design it for you. This will cost money, but as the saying goes “you need to spend money to make money”.
Who Are You?
In order to stand out from all the other blogs in your niche, you need to create a connection with your prospects.
The best way to do this is by showing them who you are, make your about page something that inspires your prospects to want to learn more about you. You want to make your prospects feel at ease. There are so many people who just want to make money, they never take the time to create that personal touch. Put your picture in your header, put your about me page on your sidebar. The more your prospects trust you the higher the chance you have of making a sale in the future.
If you use these 3 parts of the formula together, you will see a tremendous increase in traffic to your blog. When visitors come to your blog you need ways of increasing the chances your visitors will return. Ways to do this are RSS feeds (people subscribe to your RSS feed and get emailed when you add new posts). RSS feeds are very powerful in improving the chance of people coming back to your blog. Make sure your RSS feed icon is visible, put your RSS feed on your sidebar, end of posts and on your about me page.
The another powerful way to get prospect to come back is to get prospects on your newsletter list. When prospects read their emails they will see an email sent from you and they will open it. This is your chance to add value to your prospects and show them why you are their best choice.
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