Ways to Relax Before Starting on Your Video Marketing Venture

Videos are great ways to connect with people. In marketing and for personal use. It’s especially potent in marketing. It creates credibility and trust as seeing a video makes that person much more real.

Not everyone is comfortable in front of the camera though. Some have never done it before and some are just plain nervous with a camera pointed at them.

But it’s only natural to be nervous when making a video. You want your video to be natural and informative. People can tell when your nervous. So here are a few ways to help you relax and get comfortable before making a video.

– Create a script. Make out a script before you even pull the camera out. Now practice this script until you are comfortable and can remember it fairly easy. It will make it much easier when you turn the camera on.

– Practice in front of a mirror. Practice your script in front of a mirror. Watch what you do and what you look like. Catching those little nervous ticks that everyone has, is a way to be aware of them and get out of those habits.

– Wear something nice. Wearing something nice can empower you and raise your confidence. Pick something out that just makes you feel like a hundred bucks. This simple little thing can make a huge difference.

– Pretend your doing it for someone you know. Think of someone that you are comfortable with and imagine doing the video for them. You want your tone to be very conversational. Thinking of someone your really comfortable with will help keep your speech more natural.

– Imagine that the people watching your video are in their underwear. Taking from the old saying for actors: Imagine the crowd is naked, or in their underwear. Thing is, there might actually be a lot of them in their underwear!

– Try a form of meditation. Sit somewhere you can relax. Close your eyes and relax. Take deep breaths in through your nose and out your mouth. This is just one way to meditate but it will relax and clear your mind.

These are just a few ideas to help you relax. Everyone is different and have different ways to relax. Find what works well for you and do it.

The main thing you need to do if you want to market through videos is to just do it. “Practice makes perfect” as they say. And it’s true, the more you do and learn things, the easier they get.

Just write your script and practice making the video until you are satisfied. Things will get easier the more you do it.

Who is this Christopher fellow? A passionate writer and always striving to help others. http://whoischrisanderson.com is a great place to learn more about him and his writing services. He is also an avid blogger and is the creator of The Online Marketing Vault. The OMV is a vault of resources for online marketers and is always growing: http://www.online-marketing-vault.com